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Rules Clarification Thread

Due to the simplified version of the rules, not every single possible ingame encounter between players can be easily interpreted by the current set. This thread serves as a Player->Admin input for the sake of assigning all of the rule-related questions to one place.
If you see a question regarding server rules elsewhere in the forum, please drop a copy in this thread so that all clarifications are kept track of.



[b][color=#FFFFFF]ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:[/color][/b](Leave blank for Admin/Mod comment)
RULE: 4.1 If you die, that character/ship does not re-log for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage for 2 hours
QUESTION: Can that ship re-log within another system during the two hours, or must it stay logged off entirely? In addition, needs to be reworded to say people cannot reengage within the same system for two hours.
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER: Included above
RULE: 4.3 Docking during combat with hostiles in docking message range (15k) counts as PvP Death, except for Traders
QUESTION: What was wrong with 10k? When it was reduced to 10k it made things better, why the need to revert back to 15k? Furthermore 'Traders' is a bit vague. Would be good to clarify to stop people 'trading' in Battleships.
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER: 15k is how far it is you see the docking message, hence if you see a docking message, that counts as a PVP death. Traders: Transports, Liners, Freightors.

RULE: 4.2 Only one reasonable demand during each piracy interaction
QUESTION: For a rule overhaul, the rule regarding piracy still seems very vauge. And since we've had sanctions where 'shut up' was considered a valid demand, the way in which this rule is enforced in it's current state may be highly questionable and also very confusing to players.
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER: "Shut up" was not actually the reason. added to the above.

RULE: 4.1 If you die, that character/ship does not re-log for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage for 2 hours
QUESTION: I think this is very harsh. I know a lot of players in this community get very upset if they die in a PvP encounter. I think making it so that they're not even allowed to take their ship or even just their characters to another system just to RP is very excessive, and could actually further encourage griefing. It might also discourage activity because it means after dying in one system a player can't go play elsewhere.
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:Edited, and added above.

RULE: 3.1 Swearing and insulting outside of RP
QUESTION: So can we now say rude words inRP?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER: As long as it's not caught by the swear filter, and is not unreasonable (Like spamming the B word in caps over and over), then yes.

Have all our offences, excluding those currently undergoing permabans, been reset? Yes. But as you can see, the punishments if you break a rule is a LOT more severe.
RULE:3.2 Disconnecting to avoid interaction. If accidental, post here as soon as possible
RULE:3.6 Attacking without RP
QUESTION:This is a gray area, but i i made a liberty lawfull char, and while near planet manhantan even when i move to, detect a smugler and make the rp/demand that they cut they engines, even if i CD them they just ignore me and dock in the few seconds they need to travel the distance. Sometimes they undock after selling and buying some legal stuff and sometimes they logout after docking and ignoring (dont answer or stop)my demands.
1- Is that considered disconetecing to avoid interaction?
2- Can i shot the moment i se they wont be answering or should i wait the *quote* " with a minimum of 10 seconds before firing from your first RP message.",, more then enought time to ignore me and dock?

ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:1. Disconnecting means disconnecting from the Game, or F1'ing in space. That doesn't include docking.
2. Give them enough time to respond. If you drop a RP line at them, please wait for them to respond before shooting. A good rule of thumb is 10 seconds+ from when you sent the first RP message to when you shoot.
RULE: 4.2 Only one reasonable demand during each piracy interaction
QUESTION: Basically, what do you classify as a piracy interaction? The former rule stated that you cannot shoot transports before making demands from them. With this new rule lawful ships can engage unlawful transports and ships found smuggling without a demand as they aren't pirates.
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:You still have to follow your ID rules, thus making a demand for cargo, and destroying them if they refuse. Also, 3.6 Attacking without RP.

RULE: Not allowed on Discovery forums or server: 1.5 Meta/powergaming
QUESTION: These terms are no longer defined, what do the admins actually classify as metagaming? This is especially relevant considering the recent sanction involving usage of the playerlist being classified as metagaming.
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER: Good call, I'll add that in the OP. Same as before though, Metagaming: When game information outside of what is available in a game is used to give a player an advantage in-game. Powergaming: When one character forces actions against another player without giving them the chance to respond, affecting and/or interfering with the other characters roleplay.

RULE: 4.3 Docking during combat with hostiles in docking message range (15k) counts as PvP Death, except for Traders
QUESTION: The former ruleset also said that Traders can only return to the system to trade and were not allowed to relog another ship to attack the person who had attack them, is this still the case?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:If you dock within 15k of an enemy after being engaged, as a trader, you can leave that system/fly through it.
RULE:3.6 Attacking without RP
QUESTION:Definition of atack. % of Shield, Firing/spam CD to disrupt cruise speed,blocking way/ramming, firing guns(warning shots) but missing
RULE:4.3 Docking during combat with hostiles in docking message range (15k) counts as PvP Death, except for Traders
QUESTION:from quote"If you dock within 15k of an enemy after being engaged"and"15k is how far it is you see the docking message, hence if you see a docking message, that counts as a PVP death."
There are some clouds that reduces radar range, or if i dont have equiped scanner with 15km ( on half my char i only have 12 km range), that means that even i dont see anyone on scaner, it is possible hat my scaner is clear when i dock, but someone is in those 15 km. From my point of view,i did a clean escape, from the pursuit point of view ( with a better scaner or other way) i break the rules. Are the 15 km abolute to all maps/bases? And the example i wrothe?
RULE: 3.6 Attacking without RP
RULE: 4.2 Only one reasonable demand during each piracy interaction
QUESTION: May I suggest extending the explaination of "any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%" with "or results in any significant hull damage" in Rule 3.6? Will this suggestion be considered, and the public notified about the result once accepted or denied?

From a recent chat with a member of the staff I understood that a certain quite questionable sanction of the past (which have already been mentioned in this thread) resulting in the current form of Rule 4.2 was handled the way it was because of a suspicion of Rule 3.6 circumvention during piracy by the "shields down manually by victim -> no hostile action draining shields below 50% ifvictim gets shot -> no engagement if victim dies" logic. I believe the above suggestion would fix the issue much better than any kind of "if a single demand is explained in multiple steps, they are separate demands each" logic, voiding the necessity of such and leaving room for unique roleplay attempts coloring our dull everyday lives full of "2milordie" encounters.
4.1 If you die, that character/ship does not re-log for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage for 2 hours
4.3 Docking during combat with hostiles in docking message range (15k) counts as PvP Death, except for Traders

As a logical outcome of these two rules, are trading ships who died during a, say, piracy encounter subject to 4.1 or are they subject to 4.3 in terms of consequences. Can they respawn and continue trading as long as they do not return to the system they died in, or are they required to log off. If the later, how do we treat them leaving a system if they respawned in the same system they died? Also, do we assume that the clarification that "Or until the player/group logs off" part of this rule was removed?

ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:Edited rule, and added in OP
RULE: 4.1 If you die, that character/ship does not re-log for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage for 2 hours
QUESTION: Does this apply when players dies due to NPCs or the environment (e.g. mines, radiation, crashing into stars/planets)?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:NPC does not count towards a Player Death in terms of PVP. Added more info in OP - Let me clarify. If you die to an NPC while not in PVP, that's not a PVP death. If you die while engaged in PVP, even if shot my an NPC, you were still in a PVP match, thus you are PVP dead.
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