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The Corsica Intelligence Division

Background history

The Corsica Intelligence Division was mainly formed out of former Maltese Exiles agents who realized that fighting the Slomon K'Hara wasn't worth it and one should rather stay cooperative towards them.

Once the National Council was on the rise, the then-small group decided to support the Council, and in the end joined the them under their flag.

Nowadays, the Council owes and fully trusts the Corsica agents since they played a very important role in the rise of their influence and power, especially via spying on Malta's families to uncover their secrets so that the Council was able to propose "fitting" agreements. As more and more influential families and Maltese groups coming together under the Council's banner, the role that the CID played became less obvious, yet more important.

Now, with the Council at the head of the Nazione Maltese, the CID is expanding their area of operations under the lead of Rosa Veraz. They continue to engage in intelligence gathering, but the scope of their espionage has broadened to include sabotating enemy operations outside of Maltese space and detecting traitors in the Nazione's territory.

General Information

Naming convention
• NC-Name.Lastname|CID
• NC-Callsign|CID
• NC-RV-Shipname|CID

Base of operations
Corsica Outer Sanctum, Galicia Research Station

Ships in use
• Flagship NC-RV-Venganza : RM-2A "Storta" Outcast Destroyer with experimental Quantum Singularity Core
• Maltese, Civilian and Borderworld line snubcrafts

Note: Reconnaissance missions ships are limited with the flagship, Series CX "Scimitar" and CQL-Gen I "Gladius" class vessels.

Task zones

Zone Alpha

Omicron Alpha, Omicron Tau, Omicron-85, Omicron Beta, Tau-37, Sigma-19, Lorraine

Description: Territory controlled by the Nazione or highly influenced by it.

Priority for operations: General patrols, investigation of non-Maltese vessels, recon flights for the main fleet, assistance in defending the Nazione's space.

Zone Theta

Taus, Sigmas, Kusari (Excluding Shikoku)

Description: Our main contest and spying areas as well as ways of the Orange Dream. They need to be protected by all costs.

Priority for operations: General patrols, gathering data about enemy vessels positions, destruction as far as possible of threats to our transports. Gather data about the current situation of the Gas Miners as well as about the Kusarian civil war.

Zone Omega

The Barrier Passage, Shikoku, Liberty (including Cortez and Magellan)

Description: The most important ways for the Cardamine to enter libertorian space.

Priority of operations: The sale rate of Cardamine in Liberty is the highest in all of Sirius. Since it is our major money source it needs to arrive the libertorian blackmarket safely therefore elimination of our enemies has the highest priority. If possible do not act on your own. The Vesuvius Flotilla has wings out there to assist us. Second priority lies on gathering data about possible fleet movements of the Liberty Navy and/or the Gallic Royalists.

Zone Ypsilon

Bretonia (including Leeds and Edinburgh)

Description: Bretonia is the only of the four houses which fully accepts us Maltese in their space and weakened through the war against Gallia they require our help.

Priority of operations: Find and by possibility eliminate the Gallic threat inside Bretonia. Any sighting of Gallic forces is to be reported to the Bretonian Armed Forces. Spies in Bretonia are advised to act very carefully. No need to displease our new friends.

Zone Chi

All other Omicrons excluding Omicron Omega, Omicron Gamma restricted

Description: The Nomad worlds are the playground for the Core, the Order, the Corsairs and the Slomon K'Hara. Gathering data about all four is in our interest.

Priority of operations: Do NOT provocate the Slomon K'Hara. Entering their home systems is restricted and requires Rosa Veraz' presence. Recon flights into Corsair, Order and Core space to check upon possible fleet movements and their general situation.