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Full Version: Fighters aka Snubs
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Hello all !
Just wanted to know what the opinions of the community are. I want to get a fighter, what is the best fighter, in your opinion, to buy at a base? I know alot can be better with loadout. I would like opinions on best to get started with.

This is a very open ended question. It depends entirely upon your flying style (which by the sound of it you've not even developed yet), and whether or not you're interested in playing a faction or just want a civilian ship right now. You'll need to give us some more specifics.

TitanTitanTitanTitanTitanTitanTitanTitan - if you prefer hull and core over speed.
2.0 Lynx mmmmmmmmmm
Compact, reasonably robust ships like the Guardian/Odin are very beginner-friendly ships, although you'll still likely get your rear end handed to you routinely by more experienced players until you get some hours of practice in.
Id suggest a guardian. Ive flown once ever since i was a rookie and i still do today. It performs okay-ish in pretty much every aspect so itll give you space to develop your style as well as get you decently through most encounters.