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(10-12-2016, 02:52 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: [ -> ]
Standard procedure for unauthorized bases not paying the monthly fee would have been termination at least after the first few ignored warnings, some would be quite thankful for that not happening for years. I see you aren't.

The Exiles have already moved forward into Kusari, taking the Kyushu-T29 entrance of the house into the Tau Region and estabilishing a foothold in Tottori too. It would look a bit strange for them to turn back, as far as I know their most rear asset is the IKN Akatsuki in Tau-29 right now.

in first, i have tried to join the council if you remember, several times, i have asked from you the council some services, but always as answer, a big NO, or no answer at all.

i have payed a bit for coteazur and cabane, but how do you want that i made some money in a system restricted? more, in your eyes, a system non RP. why to pay to not be in RP?

i would like to know, how much is *évaluée* the security in roussillon? because the security in roussillon was *assurée* by who, me indeed.

and i saw that you made a minor evolution in roussillon, if it is to have changed the JH? it's another proof of the *désintéret* that you have for the things built by other than you!
