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Full Version: TO: Liberty Authorities :: FROM: [FL-ER] :: SUBJ: Special Permition
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ID: Lieutenant Rising Sun
SUBJECT: Special Permition
LOCATION: New London, Planet New London

For those of you whice aren't aware of our organization, we are [FL-ER] (Freelancing Escorts and Repairs) an Independent Organization, mostly involved in Supplying and Escorting. With the development of the industry of Supplying, we find ourselves at a disadvantage for we lack more means to compete with other suppliers. Our organization sees a need to fly larger ships for they could hold more cargo compared to the present ones.

Upon reading The Laws of Liberty, I found an interesting paragraph, Section Three, III. Trade Ships, which states (or so I understood) that for an individual to be allowed to fly restricted transports, he needs to prove that it was lawfully aquired. The ships we indented to adquire and fly are the Pirate Train known as "Pitbull". It is in my knowledge that those ships are of restricted use in Libertonian Space. It was found that in Inverness, a Junker station sells this specific ship, which gives the possibility of lawfully adquiring these kind of ships.

I am hereby requesting a Special Permition for Usage of Restricted Trader Ships for the organization [FL-ER] to be allowed to fly these ships in Libertonian Space.

I attached a file proving the location (FILE 1), where the ship would be adquired, however it isn't intended for me to fly it, but for our enginners. I attached aswell proof of our neutral relation with Liberty Authorities and The big Three. For more information regarding our Diplomacy please follow these NeuralNet Links: LINK 1 | LINK 2

Will be especting a reply from you gentlemen,

Lieutenant Rising Sun, Signing Out


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[Image: lltY5uc.png]

ID: Liberty Police Inc.
Encryption: Standard
Date: 10/29/823 A.S.

Mister- ... Sun,

Rising Sun. Is that even a real name? Well whatever.

First you use ships of this kind to smuggle in our house while openly knowing that both the ship and the cargo you carry is illegal but then you are so bold and stupid to just send us a message asking us to legalise it afterwards?

You know it's nice that you open this comm channel with me, you can transmit my message to your leadership or however you run your little smuggling group.

You'll scrap that ship or make sure I'll never have to look at it again even on images. You will pay a fine of 20.000.000 credits to LPI-Treasury and you'll write me a nice apology for your stupidity or your next visit to Liberty won't be such a nice trip.

And don't you dare leave me waiting. I'll give you 48 hours.

Patricia Lyons, Chief of Police

Attachments: [FL-ER]Dragon-II

[Image: W1aBuuo.png]


ID: Lieutenant Rising Sun
SUBJECT: Special Permition
LOCATION: New London, Planet New London

Greetings Chief Lyons,

Your words hurt while I red your communication, although they show aswell your lack of knowledge of our organization, we focus ourselves in Escort and Supply Contracts. You can look more about our history in the NeuralNet Link attached. Being described by authorities as an unlawfull organization isn't close to what we look for. I trully intended to request a special permition as I tried before, but it looked like my communication signal was lost in space.

With the things you described you trully caught me offguard, although not entirely impossible. It isn't impossible because, as an independent organization, we gather freelancers so they won't be lost throughout Serius and try to provide them alternatives to their lifes, although as stated within the organization "All Freelancers are Independent". I'll need to confront the freelancer in case with the evidences you provided, so that I can understand the whole picture. At first one thing that struck me on the evidence is that despite the fact he is trully carrying some ilegal cargo in Liberty, I personally couldn't recognize that place as Libertonian Space, but I'll take your word for it.

"I, in the name of every freelancer belonging to [FL-ER], ask for forgiveness on this matter, will try my best so that they avoid smuggling and make them see they lose more then profit from it."

This said, I only ask for a second oportunity so that we can show our true colours. I'll need to retransmit this frequency so that the freelancer in question be able to reply with an apology for the offense himself.

Lieutenant Rising Sun, Signing Out


PS: I use my callsign within and outside [FL-ER], but you can call me Sunny!

[Image: cJVxmIM.png]

[Image: Y7uPDyE.png]
From: Leroy "Jethro" Gibbs
To: Patricia Lyons, Chief of Police
Subject: Apology
Encryption: High

Good day ma'am,

I wish to formally apologise for my lack of judgement on the aforementioned occasion. I was tempted by a profitable opportunity and lost sight of the legal, and perhaps moral, implications of my actions. I assure you it will not happen again. I wish to convey my regret for this weak moment and do not wish to taint the good name of FL-ER with MY actions.

As requested the ship in question is currently being disassembled and a more legal alternative is being requisitioned - of course under a different name.



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