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And in the background, more event noises.
(12-20-2016, 03:17 AM)Garrett Jax Wrote: [ -> ]Garrett Jax gazed somberly at the wooden casket. He shook his head and sighed. Life can end without warning, suddenly and unexpectedly. Inside the casket, in eternal rest, lay DiscoveryGC. For years, its death had been falsely prophesied by many bitter souls. Finally, those prophecies came to fruition.

Garrett paid his respects, thankful for all Disco had given him. Finally, Disco could rest in peace. All of a sudden an angry woman wielding a giant crowbar came marching in the funeral home. It was Alley. She jumped on the casket, pried out the FINAL NAIL and yelled in a defiant voice, "NOT ON MY WATCH!!!"

From out of the casket, a miracle occurred. Discovery came to life. Cheers rang out from among long time friends who had come to pay their respects. Alley had saved the day. Garrett watched as people surrounded the resourceful young lady, eager to praise her for her efforts. He hoped the good feeling in the Community would last. Maybe from out of this near death experience, something positive might occur--an appreciation for what we have and a desire to preserve it for the enjoyment of all. For the first time in his life, Garrett walked out of a funeral home with a smile on his face.
Thank you, Garrett, for the chuckles (I would've laughed out loud, but I didn't want to wake up the people I live with).

Also, of course, thank you very much, Alley.

Edit: I had been afraid that the Discovery mod might be dead, because I couldn't even start up the mod, since the patch server was down, so I had started looking for other games to replace Freelancer/Discovery mod.
(12-20-2016, 03:21 AM)sindroms Wrote: [ -> ]And in the background, more event noises.
Thank you, Spazzy, for your events which are helping to keep this old game alive.
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