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The Maltese Criminal Law Code

Table of Contents:
§1 - General Section:

§ 1 [No crime without punishment] There cannot be a crime without punishment. Punshable is any deed that this criminal law code prescribes punishment for, or deserves such according to the healthy customs and sense of decency that keep our society cohesive. If the pernicious deed is not explicitly listed in this code, the law whose intent fits closest is to be applied analogously to it.

§ 2 [Punishments] (1) The National Council of Malta prescribes four punishments which are as follows:

  1. Fines
  2. Prison sentences
  3. Exile
  4. Ascendence

(2) Fines can encompass the entire monetary liquidity of the perpetrator. Only money can be fined.

(3) The minimal prison sentence is one month, and the maximum prison sentence is fourty years. In cases of extreme magnitude, the court can acknowledge a lifelong prison sentence as well.

(4) The exiled perpetrator is to be cast out of Maltese space, barred access to all installations, though not to be met with any further malicious means.

(5) Severe pernicious deeds such as Murder can be punished by sending the perpetrator through the unstable jumphole in the Siniestre Cloud with engine, weapons and navigational systems irrepairably disabled to be judged by the forces of nature that be.

§ 3 [Limitations of reach] (1) This criminal code only prescribes punishments for crimes committed in Omicron Tau, Alpha, Phi, Beta, Xi and Tau-37 except those against the Gift of Life, Body and Mind and Personal Liberty.

(2) When operating outside the aforementioned systems, the victim of the crime needs to own the Maltese citizenship in order for the perpetrator to be persecuted.

(3) The pernicious deed needs to have been committed at the same time the deed was put under punishment and in the territories listed under (1). Exceptions to this apply in accordance to §1.

(4) This criminal law does not differentiate whether the perpetrator, the victim, the accomplice or any other person involved into the crime or misdemeanor is family, or in any other way connected to other persons. Everyone stands in judgment for themselves.

§ 4 [Crimes and Misdemeanors] (1) Crimes are unlawfuls acts with a minimum punishment of at least one year of prison. If the crime perscribes Exile or Ascension, it is also a crime.

(2) Misdemeanors are unlawfuls acts that prescribe a prison sentence up to a year or a fine as punishment.

§ 5 [Committing by Refraining from Acting] (1) Whomsoever refrains from carrying out an act that would have served to hinder or prevent the success of the misdemeanor or crime shall be treated as though they actively acted towards the success of the crime or misdemeanor.

(2) The punishment cannot be lessened in such cases.

§ 6 [Acting on Behalf of Someone Else] (1) Whomsoever has been determined to carry out an unlawful act on behalf of someone else shall be punished as accomplice to the instigator with the mirrored punishment.

(2) Negligent acting can lead to the punishment being abstained from. This can only be the case, however, if the accomplice could not have known that they were accomplice to a crime.

§ 7 [Negligence, Premediation and Attempt] (1) Only premediated acts can be punished unless this criminal code prescribes punishment explicitly for cases of negligence.

(2) The attempt of a crime is always punishable with a punishment equal in severity to the completed, premediated act. An attempt can only be made with premediation.

§ 8 [Errors Surrounding the Circumstances of a Crime/Misdemeanor] (1) Whomsoever acts without knowledge of the circumstances surrounding a crime or misdemeanor cannot act with premediation. A punishment for negligence can still be imposed.

(2) Whomsoever assumes wrong circumstances that are part of the crime or misdemeanor that would lead to a punishment that is lower can only be punished according to it. The exemptions of §1 remain untouched.

§ 9 [Exculpatory Circumstances] (1) A perpetrator who acts without the ability to understand the wrong they committed cannot be culpable for their actions.

(2) Without culpability is also who, at the time of the pernicious deed, is suffering from a pathological affliction of the mind or idiocy.

§ 9a [Exculpatory Circumstances — Justifications] (1) Whomsoever committs a crime or misdemeanor due to the need to fend off an unlawful assault does not act unlawful. If the perpetrator unreasonably exceeds the bounds of mere defence out of fear, confusion or terror, they cannot be culpable for it.

(2) A crime or misdemeanor is not culpable if it was committed to fend of a danger for body, mind, personal liberty, or property cannot be culpable if there was no means by which the situation could have been resolved otherwise and the act was necessary to avoid the danger.

(3) Whomsoever did not complete the 12th year of life cannot act with culpability.

(3.1) Exceptions can be acknowledged by the court depending on the mental development state or the severity of the offence.

§2 - Crimes against Peace:

§ 10 [Preparation of an Offensive War] Whomsoever plans an offensive war that the Nation of Malta or any of its allies are involved in against their will shall be punished with no less than twenty years imprisonment, exile, or a lifelong prison sentence.

§ 11 [Incitement of Violence] (1) Whomsoever incites violence, where it does not matter whether an actual act of violence has been realized or not, shall be punished with no less than ten years in prison or exile.

(2) The attempt is punishable.

§ 12 [Treason against Malta] Whomsoever ventures to, under the threat of violence, coersion, or actual violence:

1. Compromise the existence of Malta, her population or its customs or

2. abolish the current leading body of the Maltese society, the National Council of Malta

shall be punished with a lifelong prison sentence.

§ 13 [Dissent against the Rule of Malta's Customs] (1) Whomsoever ventures to, under the threat of violence, coersion, or actual violence, force a Maltese citizen to accept beliefs or convictions that are not their own and have not been solicited shall be punished with a fine or a prison sentence of up to five years.

(2) The attempt is punishable.

§ 14 [Church Protection] (1) Whomsoever ventures to destroy, blemish, or in any other way physically harms houses or worship or any other property of a religious organisation shall be punished with a fine or a prison sentence of up to ten years.

(2) If the act also lead to the realisation of a pernicious deed listed in the Crimes against the Gift of Life shall receive the punishment prescribed in (1) of this paragraph in addition to the one imposed for the Crime against the Gift of Life.

(3) The attempt is punishable.

§ 15 [Publically Endorsing Enemies of Malta] Whomsoever ventures to publically endorse, exalt or justify the actions undertaken by those who wish to undo the Nation of Malta shall be subject to a fine or a prison sentence of up to three years.

§ 16 [Subterfuge for the Purposes of Sabotage] (1) Whomsoever acts to obtain information and sell, leak or in any other way make it available to enemies or merely neutral parties of Malta in order for them to inflict harm upon Malta or a person holding Maltese citizenship shall be punished with a prison sentence of not less than twenty years.

(2) The punishment must be Ascendence if the act of subterfuge had the death of a Maltese citizen as a consequence.

§ 17 [Financing, Committing or Endorsing of Terrorism] (1) Whomsoever ventures to use, endorse, finance violent acts that have the intent to cause political change within Malta and her sphere of influence shall be punished with exile.

(2) The punishment must be Ascendence if the act of subterfuge had the death of a Maltese citizen as a consequence.

§3 - Crimes against the Public Order:

§ 18 [Resisting Arrest] (1) Whomsoever has been determined by law enforcement to surrender and yield to arrest and tries to evade such using trickery, violence, coersion, seduction or any other malicious means shall be punished with a fine or a prison sentence of up to one year.

(2) The limitations of §3 apply accordingly.

§ 19 [Public Nudity and Exhibitionistic Behaviour] (1) Whomsoever enters a public place without decent clothing shall be fined.

(2) The fine can be lessened depending on the circumstances of the act.

§ 20 [Undercutting the Minimum Age for Spaceborne Travel] (1) Whomsoever pilots a spacecraft and has not completed the 21st year of life shall be fined.

(2) The fine is increased to a prison sentence of up to five years if the pilot has not completed the 28th year of life and presumes command over a ship of battleship size.

(3) The attempt is punishable.

§ 21 [Escaping Prison] Whomsoever ventures to withdraw from a lawful penitentiary shall be exiled.

§ 22 [Corrupting the Youth] (1) Whomsoever ventures to impose unsolicited beliefs and opinions upon persons who have not yet completed the 21st year of life shall be punished with a fine or a prison sentence of up to five years.

(2) Any damages that might have resulted out of such an indoctrination is to be paid by the perpetrator.

(3) The attempt is punishable.

§ 23 [Destruction of Evidence] (1) Whomsoever destroys, steals, undercuts or in any other way withdraws material that has relevance for the investigation of an unlawful act shall be punished with a prison sentence of up to three years.

(2) This also applies if the material in question is owned by someone and not public property. Private property is not superseding the pursuit of justice.

(3) The attempt is punishable.

§ 24 [Disturbing the Public Order] (1) Whomsoever initiates a disturbance that is not merely negligible and either reaches noise levels that are not bearable, violating the good customs and decency, or in any other way worthy of contempt shall be punished by a fine or a prison sentence of up to five years.

(2) The participation in such a disturbance can also lead to being punished according to the above.

(3) The attempt is punishable.

§ 24a [Defiling the Graveyard in the Siniestre Cloud] Whomsoever destroys, loots, or in any other way disturbs the peace of the deceased in the Siniestre Cloud shall be punished with a prison sentence of up to one year or with a fine.

§ 24b [Construction of Illicit Modular Installations] Whomsoever ventures to constuct a modular installation that has not been approved beforehand by the National Council of Malta or one of its member organs shall be subject to a fine.

§ 24c [Possession of Illicit Goods] Whomsoever transports, deals, receives or in any other way is found with contraband defined under § 3.1 of the common laws shall be subject to a fine or exile.

§4 - Crimes against Honor:

§ 25 [Insults] The insult is punished with a prison sentence of up to one year or with a fine. If the insult has been delivered using an unlawful assault, the prison sentence is up to two years or a fine.

§ 26 [Defamation] Whomsoever claims or spreads, in regards to another person, a fact or happenstance that is aimed at making them seem contemptible or to devalue them in the public eye shall be punished with a prison sentence of up to one year or a fine unless the fact or happenstance is proven to be true. If the defamation was committed using a public announcement or print, the prison sentence shall be up to three years.

§ 27 [Slander] Whomsoever, against their better judgement, in regards to another person, claims or spreads an untrue fact or happenstance that is aimed at making them seem contemptible or to devalue them in the public eye or to reduce their credibility shall be punished with a prison sentence of of up to two years or a fine. If the act occurred publically in a gathering or through distribution of print, the prison sentence shall be up to five years.

§ 28 [Denigration of the Deceased] Whomsoever denignates the memory of a deceased person shall be punished by a prison sentence of up to two years or a fine.

§5 - Crimes against the Gift of Life:

§ 29 [Murder] (1) The murderer is sentenced to Ascension.

(2) A murderer is who

out of bloodlust, to satisfy sexual urges, out of avarice, or other lesser motivations

insidiously, or cruelly, or with a highly dangerous tool, or

to mask another crime or to enable it,

unlawfully kills another person.

§ 30 [Manslaughter] (1) Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another person without malice. Whomsoever kills another person without being a murderer shall be punished to a prison sentence of not less than ten years.

(2) The punishment can be a lifelong prison sentence in exceedingly severe cases.

§ 31 [Killing with Consent] (1) Whomsoever has been determined by another person to assist in their killing shall be punished with a prison sentence not exceeding ten years.

(2) The punishment can be lessened in exceedingly severe cases.

§ 32 [Aborting Pregnancies] (1) The abortion of a pregnancy, i.e. the killing of the unborn life after conception shall be punished with exile.

(2) The attempt is punishable.

§ 33 [Preventing Conception] The prevention of conception using contraceptives of any description shall be punished with a prison sentence not exceeding five years or a fine.

§ 34 [Negligent Manslaughter] The killing of a person that another person has negligently caused is punished with a prison sentence of no less than ten years.

§ 34a [Refraining from Extending Aid] Whomsoever refrains from aiding in the prevention of damage to body, mind, life or property of another Maltese citizen, even though it could have been reasonably expected of them and was not disproportionate to what could have been demanded of them according to the good customs and sense of decency, shall be fined.

§6 - Crimes against the Body and Mind:

§ 35 [Assault] (1) Whomsoever abuses or causes damage to the health of another person shall be punished with a prison sentence of up to five years or a fine.

(2) The attempt is punishable.

§ 36 [Assault II] (1) Whomsoever abuses or causes damage to the health of another person

1. using poison or any other hazardous elements,

2. with a weapon or another dangerous tool,

3. by ambushing them,

4. with another person,

shall be punished with a prison sentence of no less than one year up to ten years.

(2) The attempt is punishable.

§ 37 [Assault III] (1) If the Assault causes the victim to

1. lose eyesight on one or both eyes, hearing, the ability to articulate or to procreate,

2. lose an important limb of the body or have it crippled in a way it cannot fulfill its biological function anymore,

3. be permanently disfigured or assume a state of mental or physical infirmity,

the punishment is a prison sentence of not less than ten years.

(2) If any of the above is realized knowingly and willingly by the perpetrator, the minimum punishment is not less than a prison sentence of thirty years.

§ 38 [Acquiescence] Whomsoever agreed, on their own volition, to be subjected to physical abuse or health damage (§ 35) is not acting unlawful, provided the acquiescence does not seek to legitimize an act that bears an acute risk of death.

§ 39 [Torment] (1) Whomsoever torments or maltreats a person that has been entrusted to them for care or maliciously neglects them in order to achieve damage to their health shall be punished with a prison sentence of not less than ten years.

(2) If the person has not yet completed the 21st year of life or is not able to defend themselves due to mental or physical infirmity, the prison sentence shall be not less than twenty years.