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Full Version: TSM Office, Freistadt Base, Omega 7 // Business and Visitors Welcome
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A short walk away from the main deck of Freistadt Base in Omega 7, next to a not so welcoming looking door, one can find a small brass sign:

TSM - Trans Sirian Mining

Franz Lars - CEO Section PSE (Prospect/Scavanging/Exploration)
Viktor Lars - CEO Section SWM (Sirian Wide Mining)

Once inside the visitor is welcomd in a medium sized office, mainly occupide by a large office desk with two workplaces, directly infront of a large window, facing the Ebersfelde Cloud. Next to the desk with its comortable looking chairs is a couch for relaxation. On the other side is a small conference table. The walls are covered with screens and cupboards. The room itself is dimly lit, the main light coming from the computers on the desk and a small desk lamp.

Franz Lars resided in his chair at the desk and sighed. He looked over the message again. He couldn't believe it. Has his brother Viktor really managed to get into closer contact with the IMG?
Franz himself always wanted to have a closer relationship with the Guild for his Company but never managed it. His brother on the other hand seemed to have achieved exactly that. Now all the oportunities are there and maybe TSM is finally able to rise. Franz's visions went to a new level. He stood up, went to the window and looked at the Cloud. All his time he wanted nothing but travell to the stars and explore all the regions of space. Finally he was able to do exactly that. But it costs, it is not cheap to simply go to the Outer rim systems like the Omicrons. It was risky and he already had some tight and narrow escapes from Nomads. HIs Spatial was sometimes badly damaged, or he had to simply evacuate. And replacing his ship was always very expansive.
So he needed some contracts, and working together with the Guild is one of the first steps.
He sat down and wrote a message to the IMG, hoping that there may be some profitable cooperation. Afterwards he relaxed, turned around and lost his thoughts in the stars.