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Full Version: [Poll] Next step for the API
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Simple poll, vote away

This will define what feature I will work on after I have polished the player list this evening.
I go for faction activity, because of reasons. Thanks for your effort.
Either faction activity or pob status imo

Great work alley
Thanks for the work, Alley.

Most options = internet coolness points and nothing more
POB status = moderately useful info
Event status = useful info
Faction activity as first for sure!
Event status and individual player stats is nice too but this doesn't need to be rushed.
And finally give me the adress where I can send that container full of chocolate to .w.
Why is the faction activity most useful/popular, though? @_@
(05-12-2017, 02:00 PM)HanCloudstone Wrote: [ -> ]Why is the faction activity most useful/popular, though? @_@

Because the leaders of factions want to know, who is the most active player and who broke up with Discovery? I think so, but I'm not sure.
POB status is infinitively more resourceful than faction activity, mainly due to not having to log in to check base health
I agree with Auzari; while it may benefit less people (base owners, base suppliers, or the normal player who want to know what PoB's exists), the PoB status requires a login. Granted, you could roll a character and have them sit, permanently, on that base, for the sole purpose of checking status, but it still requires a log.

The Faction Tracker is used by more people (who is logging time in my faction, which other factions are active, etc.), but, in my opinion, not before PoB's.
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