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Full Version: Advanced Equipment - Cloaks, Cloak Disruptors, Jump Drives, Docking modules
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Cloaking Devices
Cloaking Devices are advanced Equipment allowing your ship to be undetectable both visually and by scanners. You don't vanish, meaning you can still crash into objects. An active cloaking device deactivates the shields of the ship using it. Cloaking Devices also consume Cloaking Batteries while in use(even while charging). Any ship with a CM Slot is capable of replacing that one with a Cloaking Device. Cloaking Devices are illegal or require registration in some houses, check the respective laws. A Cloak can be disrupted by shooting the ship with a CD during charge or with a Cloak Disruptor within range.

Notes: Cloaking Devices must be built on PoBs or in the case of Nomad ones, bought on their respective installations.
All cloaks have a cooldown time of 120 seconds. This cooldown only applies when you are hit with a cloak disruptor.
People who are cloaked can be detected by listening for a 'humm' that is emitted to all players within 3k of a cloaked ship.

But not every ship can mount every Cloaking Device. These are the limits for the various ship types:

Name Max Cargo Space Used Cargo Space Charge time Consumption Max cloak duration Shiptype(s)
Batteries used:Cloak Batteries
Light Cloaking Device 480 10 20 2/sec 8:00 Min. Snubcraft, Light Gunboats
Cloaking Device Mk2 900 200 20 2/sec 7:00 Min. Gunboats, Cruisers
Cloaking Device Mk2 Advanced 1800 450 60 1/sec 15:40 Min. Heavy cruisers, Battleships
Batteries used:HeavyCloak Batteries
Cloaking Device Mk3 - 600(+2 each bat) 20 1/sec 16:20 Min. Transports
Batteries used:Nomad Cloaking Device Batteries
Nomad Lesser Cloak 480 10 30 1/sec 16:10 Min. Snubcraft
Nomad Greater Cloak 900 120 60 1/sec 15:40 Min. Gunboats, "Irra" Nomad Purifier
Nomad Superior Cloak - 450 120 K'Hara Only Infi- Battleships, "Irra" Greater Nomad Purifier

Cloaking Devices can be activated and deactivated with the /cloak command or by binding it to a key in the settings.
Cloak Disruptors

Cloak Disruptors are advanced equipment allowing you to pull ships out of cloak and keep them from cloaking again. They replace the CM Slot on a given ship. A Cloak disruptor cannot be used together with a cloaking device.

Cloak Disruptors must be built on PoBs.

But not every ship can mount every Cloak Disruptor. There is limits for the various ship types:

Name Range Cooldown time Cargo usage Shiptype(s)
Cloak Disruptor Type-1 3000m 30 sec 10 Fighters, Transports, Gunboats
Cloak Disruptor Type-2 6000m 60 sec 200 Destroyers, Cruisers and Battlecruisers
Cloak Disruptor Type-3 9000m 90 sec 450 Battleships, Carriers and Dreadnoughts

Cloak Disruptors can be activated by using the /disruptor command or by binding it to a key in the settings. Using it will consume 50 Cloaking Device Batteries. Ships are disrupted for as long as the cooldown lasts.
Jump Drives

Jump Drives are devices that can be mounted on capital ships to move across Sirius within an instant. There are two methods of jumping with a capital ship. A 'blind jump' where you could end up anyway, or a jump with co-ordinates that takes you to a specific spot.

Notes: Jump Drives must be built on PoBs.
A Jump Drive charge can be disabled with a CD.
Transports cannot be jumped.

There are three different types of Jump Drive:

Name Charge Time Minimum Amount Jump Batteries Requied PowercoreCan Jump Other Ships?
Jump Drive MK2 60 seconds 420 1875000No
Jump Drive MK3 30 seconds 450 6000000No
Jump Drive MK4 3:45 minutes450 4500000Yes (1k range)

Jumpdrives have various commands. The main two are /charge and /jump. Both of these can be mapped to a key in the options menu. There are others that will be covered in the Hyperspace section.
Hyperspace Scanners

Jump Drives have the ability to jump to specific point in space. For this to be possible, the jump ship will require coordinates. There are two ways of doing this, a hyperspace scanner, and a hyperspace matrix.

Notes: Both the Matrix and Scanners must be built on a PoB.
Coordinates created by scanners will lose their accuracy after 30 days. They will still work but might fling a few hundred clicks from the original target.

There are three different types of Hyperspace Scanner, and one type of Matrix:

Name Scan Time Cargo Required Fuel Required Powercore RequiredAccuracy
Hyperspace Scanner MK1 100 seconds 800 600 Mox
700 Oil
700 H-Fuel
800 Deuterium
800 Helium3
10000090k within scan location
Hyperspace Scanner MK2 100 seconds 600 600 Mox
700 Oil
700 H-Fuel
800 Deuterium
800 Helium3
10000050k within scan location
Hyperspace Scanner MK3 1000 seconds400 10000 Mox
11670 Oil
11670 H-Fuel
13350 Deuterium
13350 Helium3
10000025k within scan location
Name Fuel Cargo Required Accuracy
Hyperspace Matrix MK1 Jump Drive Batteries25 5k of vessel

The scanning begins once you type /survey. Once the period begins, you cannot move otherwise you'll stop the scanning. Once the scanning is complete you'll get a long string of characters. You'll need to write this down or copy it from the dsace.log file.

Once you've got this you can use the /setcoords command on the jumpship and supplying the coordinates,
the /jump command will now take you directly to where you scanned (within the radius of what you scanner allowed).

Using the /beacon command on a ship with a Hyperspace Matrix mounted will allow any ship with a charged jumpdrive to jump to it. Using the /jumpbeacon playername command will then jump the ship to the beacon ship (replace playername with the name of the ship that has activated the beacon). Beware, there is only a 30 second period where you can jump to the beacon, so timing is important.

(I am a little unsure about the amount of fuel required for the Mk3, can anyone correct me on that if it's wrong?)
Docking modules seem to be operational once more as it used to be, IE:
Snubs can dock by selecting the equipped ship and pressing F3, and the carrier can allow docking by selecting the snub and typing /allowdock

you can view docked ships by doing /listdocked and forcibly jettison ships with /jettison <shipname>
Hello! I'm new to Discovery FL and i really enjoy playing,, but i have no idea how to get the advanced equipment. How do I obtain them?
(05-13-2024, 04:01 PM)VukMar Wrote: [ -> ]Hello! I'm new to Discovery FL and i really enjoy playing,, but i have no idea how to get the advanced equipment. How do I obtain them?

They are made in player-owned bases or POBs.
You can buy them from other players or player-owned bases that sell them, or craft them yourself in a POB.