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Full Version: " Quantum Field Batteries " - Ammo for Cloak/JD's/Survey Modules
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Ok, I had another idea.

Quantum-field batteries as ammo replacement for cloak batteries (both kinds).



- Cloak drain: 1 unit
- Jump Drive burst drain: 250
- Survey Module drain: 50

- Cloak drain: 3
- Jump Drive burst drain: 300
- Survey Module drain: 100

- Cloak drain: 6
- Jump Drive burst drain: 750
- Survey Module drain: 200

Also, another idea for specifically for Jump Drivers.... Combine JD's and Survey modules together as one 'warp core' to do the following scenario:

You have a gunboat equipped with a cloak, some cap armor, and a 'jump core' aka Warp Core. And say you want to jump from somewhere in Omicrons to say... Kusari? You take your NavMap and USE a single Waypoint on somewhere in Kusari... say you want to jump 4k from Planet New Tokyo.

And then the daunting question crops up... how far 'up' or 'down' do you want to go? Based on the all the objects in space into a formula based on the
mass of each object's "pull". So as your about to jump you are prompted with a " COMFIRM JUMP " command and a " PLACE VECTOR Z (+up/-down) " upon jumping.

Bingo. You are now safely in Kusari space and the alert on your presence coming out of nowhere.

Also... you could "Chainjump" with the Waypoints (if you have enough fuel) to target 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.. in chronological order to reach your destination on longer runs.

Transport balance: You cannot have more MASS OF JUMPDRIVE AMMO (for example; MAX IS 1500).

Heavy quantum batteries are possible if needed, just follow the same approach but with extreme scrutiny for Transports only. Like if you've got
5.000.000 worth of credits profitable gain, only 40% - 65% using Jump Drives in this matter will remain. For fair balance and avoiding metartrading/powertrading. Also add warmup and cooldown times to it if feels appropriate.

Regards, Blackvertigo1