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The Cambridge Conservationist - 824 AS

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Extending Gaia’s Influence

Good news my fellow environmentalists, our campaign to inform and educate the masses has passed a new milestone. Kindred spirits among the populace of Vespucci have reached out to the Gaian movement seeking help to cleanse their home of corrupting influences invited in by the Commonwealth. Together they have established a new foothold closer to the rotten core of Sirius and a beacon to all those determined to prevent Guadalajara becoming a hotbed of corruption.
The corporate juggernauts of Deep Space Engineering and Orbital Spa & Cruise have begun to take hold in the burgeoning Vespucci system and they have sunk their fangs too deeply into the system’s economic veins to be simply pushed out. But like the detestable vampires that they emulate so well, exposure to light is their weakness. The light of the press will be our best weapon against these greedy parasites and through it we can turn their very customers against them, souring the blood they feed upon.

Our message is already beginning to spread within Vespucci as more and more open their eyes to the soulless money grubbers slowly infesting their home. Soon our campaign will reach into heart of Liberty and Rheinland. Demands for regulation and control will be echoed throughout their respective governments with planets like Pittsburgh and Nuremberg used as posters of the horrific destruction caused by unchecked economic hubris.
Though the damage to these worlds sadly cannot be reversed, it can be halted and if our message rings clear enough throughout the colonies perhaps we can prevent any future disasters before they happen. Eventually we could put a stop to the aggressive terraforming of new worlds and establish proper procedures that would bring an end to embittered projects like planet Harris.

This long-suffering world has enjoyed a brief respite from the desecrations of Planetform thanks to the Gallic conquest of the Tau’s, but now Harris faces a renewed attack by a minion of its would-be saviour, EFL Oil & Machinery. This corporation is controlled directly by the Gallic Crown providing the vital essence of their industry and fuel for their war machine. It is a monolith backed by the entire military strength of Gallia and a monster that cannot be confronted head on.
Our only option is to try to break through the distrust and resentment instilled in the Gallic people. To open their eyes to the destruction caused on their worlds by drilling, mining and rampant pollution. Surely they have seen what happens to planets for the sake of ‘progress’ or the treatment of those who speak out against it? If we can connect to those like us deep within the belly of the beast we can make a stand against the senseless desecration of worlds for empty profits. We can put an end to the harmful practices that destroy our precious ecosystems.

I urge you all to continue to fight the good fight, and one day the bright future we all hope for will be a reality

Editor in Chief, George Wainthrope

Tags: Conservation, Gaian, Commonwealth of Liberty, Deep Space Engineering, Orbital Spa & Cruise, Rheinland, Nuremberg.