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Crayter Intelligence Service

Just as every growing nation the Crayter Republic has been facing a multitude of threats from without, just as much as it had been endagered from within. Ever since the lessons learned from the first exodus, the Republics government has been aware that economical and military power alone are not enough to ensure the safety, stability and wellfare of a nation. Both have no value if they are not merged with the necessary information.

To make sure that the government has access to the required data on both friend and foe alike, the Crayter Intelligence Service had been formed. An organization, answering only to the President, existing beneath the Republics official structures, showing itself to the public only when there is no other option.

While the main tasks of the Service have been focused on intelligence gathering in its beginning, the political reality in the Sirius sector has shown that information alone is not sufficient to survive. Especially the Nomad threat required a different and more offensive course of action. Due to this the Archangel wing has been formed, a group of highly skilled field agents, trained for tasks that will always stay highly classified.

Due to the disaster caused by the Gallic Invasion, the chaotic conditions within the Republic and the loss of the CIS headquarters and a huge amount of highly skilled and hardly replaceable personell at Sawarak, the Intelligence Service was weakened, which was further increased by heavy budget cuts in favor of civilian matters and military restoration.

It was only after aiding in the successfull recapture of Tau 44, that the Crayter Intelligence Service was able to restore its standing within the Republic. Even though its still struggling to restore the lost assets, it will continue to be a major player within the Republic internal and external affairs.


The Crayter Intelligence Service is known for recruiting only the most skilled people from within the Republic, due to the fact that these people are mostly linked to the Crayter Sector by blood, some fear the possibly increasing nationalistic tendencies. Though this might just be a way to ensure possible agents allegiance to the Republic. Due to its secretive nature, only little is known on the internal organization of the Cryter Intelligence Service, except for the existance of a Director as head figure and a number of agents carrying out the various tasks.

The Agents that have made a public appearance did not have any public or military records, which might suggests that upon joining the Service, all previous information on a person will be wiped out, to ensure their safety.

Operational goals

Due to the currently still desolate status of the Service the following actions can be assumed as short-term goals:

-Restoration of combat capabilities by acquiring suited personell and equipment
-Restoration of the former headquarters
-Increasing the CIS influence within the Republic

The following goals can be see as long-termed, based on the Services' standing orders:

-Gathering relevant information on internal and external affairs
-Acting as hidden Sword and Shield of the Republic to ensure the safety, stability and wellfare of its citizens