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Would it be possible to find out how many different
Ships have docked at a pob in the last 24hrs.
As I often wonder how much usage our pob gets. The results could be displayed whatever the easiest way to implement.

It would be a nice feature I guess, but at the moment I think only admins can see somehow.
I suppose this is feasible. Before I write it in as a feature, I'd like to get some additional people leaving input on the idea. How would it be displayed? Another base command which prints something out to your chat? A large popup window?

It'll definitely be less memory overhead to merely keep a counter. (Ie: "Base traffic over the last 24 hours: 75 dock operations performed, 12 unique ships have visited")
Saving lists of ship names sounds a little.. Ugly. Although I suppose for unique ships, some sort of shipID needs to be saved anyways.

Gonna low-priority this idea. After all of my current things get added in, I intend on taking it slow for a while to prevent burnout.
Maybe the command could be /showdocked X where X could be Total, for total number of players having docked within the past 24 hours. X could also be All, to show the names of the players who have docked in a long list, much like how /showitems has a big long list.