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THP-LC Secure Channel

Greetings, mercenaries.

Per our discussion behind closed doors, we have come up with something more legal-looking than our previous standing informal understanding. Feel free to look it over and see if we missed anything, though I sincerely doubt we will have; we are quite thorough. As you know, we already paid for this month, and you have confirmed receipt.

Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain
Triple Hazard Pay, Inc.

The Deal We Agreed To
Triple Hazard Pay, Inc. will pay 50.000.000 per month on the first of the month to The Lost Company in exchange for standing escort services.

Furthermore, all Lost Company vessels are cleared to use THP facilities at no cost.

The Lost Company will not fire upon THP vessels or will face immediate cancellation of this contract.

This channel will remain open should any need to communicate quickly arise.
Hey Carpy, I got work for you!

The fools in Deep Space Mining have seen fit to think they can dictate how I talk to them.
Punish them for me.
If you see them, instant five million if you can get them to drop their cargo and subsequently destroy it. Attach timestamped proof.

Side note: You should have already received this month's payment.

Teresa Brooks
I've sent this month's money to the usual place, you know where. You know, the secure account labeled "Bustard Fund". I don't even know what you do with that money, but it probably involves booze.

A gentle reminder: We do not condone fraternization in the field, Halite. Either bring her home properly or stop yanking her chain. I don't care what - or who - you do on your own time, but if you involve Mr. Graham and the Mama Brick, I am obligated to get involved.

Also, I am tasking you to find me a basket of puppies. I'm feeling peckish.

Teresa Brooks

The young woman steps away from the shutting down terminal, before returning from the Balboa to the more comfortable environs of her Marauder. This particular terminal, more of a dead drop, really, considering who uses it, would continue to be the sole recorded point of contact between the two organizations, though considering its location, those not in the Senior Staff would be hard-pressed to even know of its existence.
[Image: Kba7l5H.png]
I am most eager to have Miss Vex Upsilon... questioned about certain things she has said about me. Bring her to me. Alive.

Furthermore, you should have already received your reward for bringing in that Harpy Squadron pilot. The brownie points we got with those... well, they're kind of there, but not really capable of doing much either way, so typical Zoners, on Freeport 11 should be the proof we need that we are totally not working together.

This means that we cannot deploy TITAN as a test. We need to find someone else to antagonize this time. You'll find someone. You're creative like that.

Congratulations are in order, I suppose. The grapevine has told me that the mere sight of Lost Company vessels has caused entire battlefleets to materialize. Good job on that.

Your Dark Lord

SUBJ: Bleep da Navy
Sender: The Big C
Encryption: Standard Commercial Encryption

Guess what I found. Guess.

Some poor souls attempting to expand in Alaska. Why yes, a couple Navy ships did try to stop me on my excursion, but they were dispatched.

If you got a score to settle with Liberty, now is the time to do it. Show them that no place is barred to us.

We will be seeing each other again.

The Big C
Lost Company

Senior Staff has been forced to turn to more drastic measures to acquire various items, or in this case, ships.

A foray into Gallia is requested for you to be able to secure the ships we need for our project in the Omicrons. The producers of the ships are not returning inquiries, and as such we turn to you to secure what we need. Needless to say, the monthly deposit has been put into the relevant account.

Your mission is as follows: Get into Gallic space, hit a Gallic Metal Service facility that produces/maintains their mining ships, and load as many of them as you can aboard Balboa, then deliver them to the appointed place. You will be rewarded... amply for your efforts. Can you do this for me?

-- "Anonymous"


Your objectives are:
  • Secure at least one Plier-type craft.
  • Secure at least one Courbe-type craft.
  • Secure at least one Tournez-type craft.
  • BONUS: Secure schematics for production of the above.