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Full Version: NPC characters in POB
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I think it would be a nice addition that owners of a base are able to put some people in it.
Allowing them to say some info about the base and even missions.

I think this small detail might help players immerse a bit more into POB's.
I know nothing about programming so correct me if this is hardcoded.
I believe it would "technically" be possible but it would require an extreme amount of work and due to how missions are handled it would probs be very buggy if it worked at all.

So if I said it was doubtful it would be a massive understatement.
Thanks Laz,
And what about the npc character idea itself?
Even if they just had a text balloon with some info. Wout that be doubtful?
Well, NPCs are controlled by the base files and therefore they could be created, but their rumours wouldn't change between bases. (Or at least base regions I think. Pretty sure each pob design is reflective of the system/region it's in).

This technically goes for missions as well, but the difference is that missions would crash a lot of the time, plain not work, or have a plethora of other bugs.
As far as I know, there are few different style of POB interiors, and one of them is selected based on the region the base is in. (This contains everything you see inside the POB, beeing it rooms or NPCs)

I guess these could be switched by the module construction mechanic. (the core upgrade does similar thing for the outside model of the POB)
(11-11-2017, 03:39 PM)ronillon Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I know, there are few different style of POB interiors, and one of them is selected based on the region the base is in. (This contains everything you see inside the POB, beeing it rooms or NPCs)

Every system has an invisible base 100k below the system sun that acts as an object for the pob to emulate. This is why when a pob is destroyed you spawn 100k below the sun. Each proxy base, as they're called, has its own base entry that is used. This means if you wanted to add npcs every npc would be the same in a system that uses that same "template" file.

If you go into your FL Dir and go to DATA -> UNIVERSE -> SYSTEMS you should see something called like BASE_INTERIORS or something like that? Those are the files that are used.