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Full Version: I am BACK
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Well after 3 month of flying the unfriendly skies II am Happy to be home . it seemed the longest 3 month in history of my whole military career, tho the 14 month tour was pffft I got gray hair from that one but had internet yay. Note to self: Never volunteer for something that sounds to good. I Guess it was the boredom of doing same old thing EVERYDAY. I going to sooo love being able to sleep in. Working 7 days for 3 month sucks the life right out of you. So now I can sit in Kepler in the evenings and watch people fly by and also work on the projects. I have to poke someone with a stick for removing the ABH from the unofficial faction list. gone 3 month and they discard you like yesterdays newspaper. tisk tisk!!!! maybe fly over their house and dump 70 tons of JP8 on them nah just kidding .... or am I. WEEEELLLLLLLL at any rate. Hugs for my friends and sharp sticks in the eyes of my enemies.
Hi, my female villainess char wants your three times faster Ion Thruster and an excuse to paint her ship red.

Expect cyber comms soon.
Welcome back, glad to see you around once again.
Welcome back mate, take a sit, grab the popcorns and watch as us, the Blood Dragons, wreck Kusari. And you are welcome to join.
Anyway see you out there. Wink