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Full Version: Any Chance we can get Base supply turned off for the Holidays?
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It has been done in other years, just wondering IF there is a plan to do it this year, and WHEN that might start. I ask so as to know to allot time to stocking up on base commodities, before the end of the year holidays, as I will be pretty busy or not to worry about it. A break from having to babysit digital real estate would be a nice "Gift" I am sure for all base owners.

Did not know where to post this, that is why it is in general discussion. Feel free to add your views on it.

Cheers and Happy holidays, if that is the type of thing you celebrate.

I think that not having happened by now is probably more an oversight than anything else. Just brought it to the administration's attention.
Cool. It will be great to not have to worry about those POBs.

This does not protect POBs from sieges, does it?
All it does is disable wear and tear damage and FWO consumption iirc.
Just Bumping this..... would be nice to have a statement in green about the possibility or not. I just need to know if I need to feed my base over the holidays, or not worry about it.
