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Cronel was found in an old galian escape pod on 02.03.823 AS, with only the rest of an id card with just his first name. When he waked up some day later the medical crew had the surprise to hear his language, an unknow gallian dialect. While the two next mounth, Cronel has learn the local language, and after leaving hospital, started working for the shipyard.
After two year he have saved enough money to buy an old liberty transport, almost a wreck, but cheap and maybe the way to find his past.
Cronel was tired, it was the twelth time he tried restart the main engine of his ship. One more time, he opened the maintenance hatch, trying to find what's wrong with this damned engine. He finaly sited next to the opening and tipped his head against the wall. A this moment the engine started. Cronel runned on the cockpit and started to check all the fonctions. But the joy was short lived, the targeting alarm fired and Cronel was petrified viewfing two liberty security force's fighters in front of him.
The message was clear "stop your engine and get down of your ship or we open fire", Cronel was tetanized, why they want shoot him?
mechanically he stoped his engine and got out of his ship. Two cops handcufed him soon after and took him in a carceral shuttle. Nobody speaked all along the trip, but Cronel could see through the window why he was in this situation, on all publics screen, scenery of battle between liberty and gallian ship, with this words in capital "GALLIAN FORCE ATTACKING CALIFORNIA, CORTEZ AND MAGELLAN SYSTEME".

The shuttle landed on the roof of an official building, the cop took him out, and everybody took the direction of the building's entry. Cronel saw the LSF embleme on the roof, but surprisingly, was released just after entered in the building. A man was here, and extending his hand to cronel "Sorry for that but we are really in a hurry please follow me, we need to talk"
Cronel followed the man in an office close, sit on a chair the man designate him.
"First at all you need to know we studied your escape pod since 2 year now, and the result...." the man give a folder to Cronel "Look yourself"
Cronel opened the folder and after few minute "What the hell, that impossible, just..." " yes, as it is written, your capsule derived near to 80 year in space before we find you" Cronel dropped the folder, 80 year, that's.... He take his head between his hand but the man started to talk
"But it's not for that i am brougth to you, i want you to be part of the LSF, and infiltrat the gallic force". But Cronel don't hear his words, he was immersed in his thought, 80year, how it that possible? At his moment a women entered in the room "you have says him" "yes" the woman leaned toward "i know it's very difficult to believe, but it's the true, you derived since 80 year in space, but now you are here and we need you"
Returning at his ship, Cronel thinked at what he have accepted, but after all, now he has a chance to retreive his past. The first thing he does was looking under the capacitor, and yes the starter was unplug. After he fixed it, he tried to start, and the engine started smoothly. 3 day later he has realized some transport contract, saved some money for hi travel and retrieved Chris in front of the California gate."Ok you know the plan, i will pursue you in front of a gallian fighter, and i will escape when he come to help, so you are juste to be natural, thank him and ask to return in Gallia, that ok" "ok". The two ship jumped in california systeme and started to roam searching a gallian signal. After 30mn a gallian figther has been found and Chris started to shoot the poor liberty transport, immediatly Cronel started to send a distress call "a tous les vaisseaux gallian dans les environ, je subis une attaque de la liberty security force, venez m'aider" "
To all the gallian ships in the area, I have a liberty security force attacking me, come help me" At this moment, the gallian figther take the direction of Cronel and opened fire on him "stop shoot, i am gallian" at this moment the gallian pilot cried "death to all billoute" Chris does not hesitated one seconde and opened fire on the gallian ship, and after a short dogfigth, the gallian pilot ejected his pod. The pod was recup by chris and they returned to Erie to understand what happened.
When they landed on Erie, Chris taking the gallian pilot for examination, Of course Cronel could't come because he was not officiali member of LSF, but Chris promised to him he would come with all the explanation he can had. 2 days later Crhis come to the landing strip where Cronel lived now, and started to tell what he have discover.

80 year ago, a small group selfnamed "les billoute", this groupe had take the decision to forgive the "betrayal" of Sirius and want take contact pacificaly with the 4 house of sirius. Infortunatly, the king had echos of this and secretly send his royal guard to destroye this group of renegat, Cronel understood at this moment what appened, the group was exterminated but apparently, he was ejected in a cryogenic safepod, and retrieved 80 year later. At this moment Cronel had only one idea in mind, avenge the billoute, and a plan was born, Making money, buying warship and enlist in the Liberty Navy to destroy gallia, simple et efficient. Juste after Chris left his ship, Cronel started his plan.