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Full Version: [Bot] Thread Notifications in Discord
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Hey there folks.
Are you the kind of person who sometimes forgets to check communication posts, unaware that there is another response available?
Or perhaps are you the kind of person who mashes the F5 key watching the latest activity, looking for topics that you love debating and damaging keyboards over?
Either way, I made something.

Discord Thread Notifications

0.8 beta

What is it?
Put simply, it's a Discord Bot which accepts keywords. If it sees a keyword show up in a new thread (or a thread someone just responded to), it sends you a discord message alerting you of such. See the screenshots below.

What are its limitations?
Currently, the bot ONLY scans through the communications channel section. I am considering upgrading it to watch the entirety of the forums, and allowing each user to individually opt-in or opt-out of notifications for specific sections, although I'll leave that for a future design if people decide they like the idea.

How do I use it?
Using the Bot is pretty simple. First, you need to register yourself with it. This can be accomplished by connecting to the discord server linked at the bottom of this thread, and typing in '!register' - After you are registered, you simply add all of the keywords you want with '!watch <keyword>'
That's all there is to it! Whenever it sees a communication thread containing any of your keywords, you'll get a nice little notification.

See the quickstart guide for a more structured approach on getting started.

Are there any bugs?
I started this project maybe 3 days ago. Yes, there are probably some bugs. At best, I consider this a beta at the moment.
The most prevalent bug that I've noticed so far, is that if a thread matches two of your keywords, it will add two entries of the same thread into your alert.

These bugs will disappear over the next few days. I intend on adding more functionality if people like the idea, which will probably create even more bugs. Although rest assured, I'll keep the stable build be the bot feeding you your alerts.

What are the commands?
It's all in the discord channel.
Or check the screenshots.
Or read the quickstart.
I'll make a help command later.

Can you open source it please?
Yeah. Probably. If people are interested, I'll do that after I get it out of beta.

Can you make it scan section BLANK too?
I mean. Sure. Give suggestions. I'll do upgrades later.

Join Discord Channel
I didn't want to make a discord channel, but the bot cannot open up a PM session with you, unless you've seen it. It doesn't seem to appear on the 'find user' search bar.
This is pretty good, nice work!
Now I wish people would spell names of all factions properly.
Yes! It will substitute Piomail notifications! Finally!
Is this bot still working?
Does it get triggerd by certain words only or by wildcards too? (NSE or Defense)
Thank you in advance.