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Full Version: Reviving the Titan
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"Nav, set coordinates to Coronado and activate the charging sequence of FTL drive" Fleet Admiral said. "Yes, Sir! Charging the drive." After 3 or so minutes the charge was complete and Olympia performed the jump to Coronado. Ended only 400 meter to the Planet Yuma. Everyone scared that they would blow up. "Thanks to gods..." Richard mumbled. "Sabah Control, this is Olympia CIC. Requesting docking permission on Bay VIII." "Olympia CIC, this is Sabah, you are cleared to dock at Bay VIII. Over." Richard moved to the area cleared and organized for presentation. Brightest minds of Sabah Research Center and Ministry of Tech came together to make this presentation a thing now. He saw a makeshift sign, Presentation Area I. As soon as he moved there, he realised it was right next to the Ambrosia bar. He saw that preperations still did not finish. There were crates everywhere, chairs folded, some thrown out… He waited around for a bit and watched the preperations. Someone saw him waiting around and ran to him. "A-*cough* Admiral Sorry to keep you waiting but you are early i am afraid. We will get you a chair right away, Need a drink? We are next to Ambrosia so we can get drinks easily. They are free to invitees of this presentation too! *cough cough*. "Thank you. I can definitely get my drinks myself though. No need to prevent your job. You do your jobs so this thing finishes faster. Understood?" The guy nodded quickly and ran back to black crates at the wall. Richard, knowing the presentation would not start for some time, went over to Ambrosia for a good old Crayter II and a Kebabburger.