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Full Version: Unable to dock at Kabukicho
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I was playing Freelancer today, and everything was running smoothly. Then when I decided to do some trades, I attempted to dock at Kabukicho depot in my container transport. Needless to say, every time I attempt to dock freelancer is crashing. I'm going to hope this is a one night event, or a small server fix, before I need to probably reinstall freelancer, and the discovery mod :S

Edit: Definitely a client side problem:(going to try a reinstall

Edit 2: Reinstall successful :O go figure lol
i got a similar problem with my friends...

we decided to make some trades and moved, in a group of 4 ships, to cambridge.

we all tried to dock there but all our games crashed.
after game restart we are back in berlin
we used 3 heavy tanker and one container transport