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[Image: hqfqJV6.png]
[Image: BhgLogo.png]

Nova Blackwood
Bounty Hunter

》》》Location: Planet New London
》》》To: Bretonian Armed Forces Contracts Board
》》》Subject: Bounty Claim

》》》June 19th, 834 A.S.

Good eve,

Nova Blackwood here, the bounty hunter who's got somethin' you might be mighty interested in.

Lookin' forward to hearin' back from ya real soon!

Ciao for now.

》》》Steaming Data
Your name: Aegis|Gladius
Where the money is going: Aegis|Gladius

RPA|Neil.Long - Fighter
Unseelie-1 - Fighter
RPA|Roach-1 - Bomber
Golden.Gold - Bomber

Circumstances: Pilot's recent patrols in Dublin.

RPA|Neil.Long - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

Unseelie-1 - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

RPA|Roach-1 - Bomber
Identification + Destruction

Golden.Gold - Bomber
Identification + Destruction



Bounty claims have been paid in full.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Your name: Aegis|Gladius
Where the money is going: Aegis|Gladius

Unseelie-1 - Fighter
RPA|Banshee-1 - Fighter

Circumstances: Pilot assisted a large fleet in Dublin

Unseelie-1 - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

RPA|Banshee-1 - Fighter
Identification + Destruction



Your name: Aegis|Vela
Where the money is going: Aegis|Vela

Gaians)Ron.Barton - Bomber

Circumstances: Pilot caught a Gaian in New London

Gaians)Ron.Barton - Bomber
Identification + Destruction


  • User ID: Bessie Bishop
  • Target ID: Bretonian Armed Forces Contract Board
  • Subject: Bounty Claims

Howdy there,

Was doing a scouting mission through Dublin, following up reports of Red Hessian sightings in the area, found one, never got close enough to scan it, but a Molly ship was loitering in the asteroid fields nearby. Went and poked a hole in his hull to let out some of that there blustery hot air they seem to be filled with. Tetchy lil guy.

Hunter Callsign: Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop

Claims: 1 Buzzard class Bomber: 300,000 credits
Ship Identification: X
Ship destruction: X

Additional Claim

Found this lil bugger on patrol on the 25th, amending my report here as to not clog up your channels. Just a lone Corsair fighter, nothin' especially fancy, but definitely a troublemaker.

Claims: 1 Titan class Fighter: 300,000 credits
Ship Identification: X
Ship destruction: X

Bessie Bishop
BHG Hunter/Tracker



The Contracts Board has been amended to facilitate the interception and destruction of the frequent Hegemon-class Asteroid Miners operated by the Hessian and Molly movements seen throughout the Kingdom.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

  • User ID: Bessie Bishop
  • Target ID: Bretonian Armed Forces Contract Board
  • Subject: Bounty Claims

Howdy there,

Found another Corsair in Dublin. Guess this guy didn't take the hint, has more guts than common sense. Also, Rheinlanders out in force in Dublin, counted two hessian ships and a bundschuh out there this morning. Meinhardt Strauss, Stefan Kuhne, and Civil Servant respectively. Had to bail after the Molly gunboat decided it's missiles should be up my ass though, so no Rheinlander pirates for you today.

Hunter Callsign: Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop

Claims: 1 Titan class Corsair fighter 300,000 credits
Ship Identification: X
Ship destruction: X

Bessie Bishop
BHG Hunter/Tracker

Your name: Aegis|Gladius
Where the money is going: Aegis|David.Graves

R\-Wolfgang.Rohleder - Bomber
RPA|Serena.Penrose - Fighter
Amelia.Kelly - Fighter
RPA|Abigail.Seagrave - Fighter

Circumstances: Pilot assisted the armed forces in New London and Dublin

R\-Wolfgang.Rohleder - Bomber
Identification + Destruction

RPA|Serena.Penrose - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

Amelia.Kelly - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

Amelia.Kelly - Fighter
Identification + Destruction



Your name: Aegis|Sand
Where the money is going: Aegis|Bank

Gaians)Ron.Barton - Bomber

Circumstances: Pilot caught a Gaian in Dublin

Gaians)Ron.Barton - Bomber
Identification + Destruction

Your name: Aegis Initiative
Where the money is going: [Bank]Aegis

Gaians)Ron.Barton - Gaian Bomber
CIS|Prosperity - Violation of anti-terrorist zone
Trabuco|Sails - Fighter
Trabuco|Sails - Fighter
Jeff - Fighter
RPA|Abigail.Seagrave - Fighter
Dan - Fighter
Eiri - Bomber

Circumstances: Pilots recent patrols around the anti-terrorist operation zone.

Gaians)Ron.Barton - Gaian Bomber
Identification + Destruction

CIS|Prosperity - Violation of anti-terrorist zone
Identification + Destruction

Trabuco|Sails - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

Trabuco|Sails - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

Jeff - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

RPA|Abigail.Seagrave - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

Dan - Fighter
Identification + Destruction

Eiri - Bomber
Identification + Destruction



Bounty claims have been paid in full.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
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