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Full Version: Bretonian Armed Forces Contracts Board
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Your name: David "Gladius" Graves

Where the money is going: Aegis|David.Graves

RPA|Banshee-1 - Molly Fighter
Mihailo.Tolotos - Corsair Fighter
Roca|Sails - Corsair Fighter
Sarah.Sanders - Molly Fighter

Circumstances: Pilot engaged enemies in Dublin and the Cumbria Asteroid Field.

Identification + Destruction
Identification + Destruction
Identification + Destruction
Identification + Destruction

Your name: Anastasia Focht

Where the money is going: Aegis|Vela

Sarah.Sanders - Fighter
RPA|Abigail.Seagrave - Fighter
RPA|Neil.Long - Fighter
Starry.Plough - Gunboat
DTR-CC>Averof;Cornelius - Cruiser
SCRA|CPS-Gdynia - Transport
Spartan.Warrior|Sails - Fighter
Sarah.Sanders - Fighter (x2)
Gaians)Ron.Barton - Fighter
Mr.Sinners - Gunboat
{(-GRS-Indah.Werah - Gunboat
Darach - Gunboat
RPA|PRW-Rhodri.Yarwood - Cruiser
Roca|Sails - Fighter
Molly.He'll'o. - Transport
O'Bradaigh - Bomber
DTR-CC>Averof;Cornelius - Cruiser (x2)
PRW-Culchie - Gunboat

Circumstances: Clean-up in and around the Dublin system over the last week.

PRW-Culchie - Molly Gunboat - Dublin - 500,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

DTR-CC>Averof;Cornelius - Corsair Cruiser - Dublin - 550,000 Credits
Identification + destruction

O'Bradaigh - Molly Bomber - Dublin - 400,000 Credits
Identification - Destruction

Molly.He'll'o. - Pilgrim Liner in breach of Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone, New London - 500,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

Roca|Sails - Corsair Fighter - Dublin - 400,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

RPA|PRW-Rhodri.Yarwood - Molly Destroyer - Dublin - 550,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

Darach - Molly Gunboat - Dublin - 500,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

[(-GRS-Indah.Werah - Molly Gunboat - Dublin - 500,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

Mr.Sinners - Corsair Gunboat - Dublin - 500,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

Gaians)Ron.Barton - Gaian Bomber - New London - 200,000 Credits
Identification - Destruction

Sarah.Sanders - Molly Fighter - Dublin - 400,000 Credits
Identification - Destruction

Spartan.Warrior|Sails - Corsair Fighter - Dublin - 400,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

SCRA|CPS-Gdynia - Coalition Transport in breach of Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone, New London - 500,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

DTR-CC>Averof;Cornelius - Corsair Cruiser - New London - 550,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

Starry.Plough - Molly Gunboat - Dublin - 500,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

RPA|Neil.Long - Molly Fighter - Dublin - 400,000 Credits
Identification + Destruction

RPA|Abigail.Seagrave - Molly Fighter - Dublin - 400,000 Credits
Identification - Destruction

Sarah.Sanders - Molly Fighter - New London - 400,000 Credits
Identification - Destruction

Total: 8,850,000


Bounty claims have been paid in full.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Your name: Anastasia Focht

Where the money is going: Aegis|Vela

Juan.Castellanos|Sails (x2)

Circumstances: Downed corsair in New London and later Dublin

Juan.Castellanos|Sails - Corsair Fighter - New London
Identification + Destruction

Juan.Castellanos|Sails - Corsair Fighter - Dublin
Identification + Destruction

Total: 800,000


Bounty claims have been paid in full.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Your name: Anastasia Focht

Where the money is going: Aegis|Vela


Circumstances: Downed corsair in Dublin

Roca|Sails - Corsair Fighter - Dublin
Identification + Destruction

Total: 400,000
Your name: HMS-Camelot

Where the money is going: HMS-Camelot


Circumstances: Fleet engagement in Omega 5

DTR-CNS>Regret - Gunboat

Total: 500,000
Your name: HMS-Defying
Where the money is going: HMS-Defying
Circumstances: Fleet engagement in Omega-5
Total: 600,000


Bounty claims have been paid in full. Zoner Militants have been added as valid targets to the Contracts Board; the Admiralty Board will pursue talks with the Liberty Government towards the possibility to closer cooperation against the Zoner movement.

Good hunting.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Your name: Jack.Harris
Where the money is going: Jack.Harris
Kills: Alfanje|Sails
Circumstances: I arrived in Dublin to check on possible bounties when I saw a Molly and a Corsair fight. The Corsair destroyed the Molly's vessel without major damages. I destroyed its vessel and made my way back to New London.
Identification: ID
Destruction: Kill
Total: 400,000 SC
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