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Full Version: Automated NEMP System
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Is this possible? A big problem with NEMPs right now is the huge desync between in-game actions and how long it actually takes for the event to appear. Case and point: Core/Council NEMP'd their targets it took several months for the events to materialise. Realistically, surely the consequences would be instantaneous and the target faction would immediately be clamouring for supplies to fix the damage?

Therefore I wonder if it's possible to automate the whole process. Could a NEMP being detonated on a station target trigger a supply event for that base, and perhaps generate a list and quantity required of several commodities needed to repair the base? This could seriously boost the event creation potential of NEMPs as an activity generation device if possible.
I didn't see this. In theory yes, but it wouldn't be simple to do. The biggest limitations (ignoring balancing issues for where supplies are spawned) are getting the game to generate the internal names for the config files. You'd also face the problem of ensuring that NEMPs wouldn't then trigger on other objects that are not intended to cause events. Things like Conn Stations, static (undockable) assets, and the like.

It's not really feasible. If you could think of a better implementation, perhaps there would be a greater chance of something being done with this idea.
Posting this here because your NEMP idea ties into an idea I've had for a while.

I always wanted to see it where some stations or jumpgates were made 'de-activateable' similar to trade lanes. They would be given a set amount of HP, probably a high number like that of a core 1 mod base, and each day the object HP would reset. That would mean, that opposing forces could launch attacks at some point in the day and disable the base/gate, making it unusable for the remainder of the day (but not destroyed). It would be even better if they could get it to carry over beyond server restart, so you could knock something out of commission for longer periods, and raise HP to make them harder to take down.

But this would be great especially if NEMP's could be used on those objects because then players could just go and do it, document they did it, and once proof would be posted the object was down, then a resupply routine could be done up to bring it back online. If you even needed that anymore, since you could just set the object to come back online after a certain time period, and the game would be about dealing without the use of that base or gate.

This would change a lot of tactics on the long term. Each faction could have 1-2 designated objects that could be considered 'in contest' like jumpgates along warzones, and at least 1 base. Each side would know what bases of theirs would be vulnerable, and be able to try to focus their defense.

In the gate's case, even if they only stayed down for 24hrs max, if you took them down early after a server restart, it would be a great system to measure victories and defeats in the wars. Bretonia and Gallia could have a jumpgate each and 1 base each designated to be 'de-activateable', and each side could on their own time make efforts to knock out the enemy site, while protecting their own.

This would then change the value of NEMP's, depending on how long a target stays down, but really an NEMP in that case becomes basically an instant victory, if you're willing to pay for it. Because you could just show up by surprise and take out a gate or base in one hit (which is what I'd support), or at least make them reduce a site's HP by 3/4 to help speed it up, that would still be a quick attack augmentation device.

Even applied to factions like Outcasts and Corsairs, imagine raids again upon capital systems to knock out a deactivatable object. Planet docking rings/moors could be added to allow the possibility of 'blockading' a planet, cutting if off for at least a day. What if Malta could be cut off if an organized and well numbered attack could be made? Without an NEMP it could be set to take a while, and would usually result in giving the defenders a chance to log and counter.

So I think this idea should be applied in some incantation, and that it would work great to have such an 'automatic' NEMP event, leaving it mostly up to the players at that point. It would also better explain why NEMP's always get through, with no need to 'declare' at attack (unless you wanted to). Players could organize to launch surprise attacks, and it would be up to the opposing force to defend, OR, if not possible, go on the offense themselves! This might also change how POB's are used, as if a gate was always being knocked out, or an important base, a house military might need/want to build a new base nearby to provide round the clock defense, etc.