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Garrett woke up from a sound sleep with alarms blaring and red lights flashing intermittently. At first, he thought that the Temple of the Damned was under attack. Who would be stupid enough to try that, he asked himself. Visions of militant Zoners flashed in his mind.

Nah, that can't be it.

He pulled himself out of bed quickly, and he heard a splash as his feet hit the floor.

What in the world...

His entire bedroom was flooded clear up to his ankles. He checked to see if his waterbed had sprung a leak.


Confused, he hurriedly dressed himself, trying to keep as dry as possible. Where did all this water come from? He was distressed to discover that the water level was slowly rising. Meanwhile, the alarms continued their deafening call, adding even more stress to his already frayed nerves.

He opened the door to get knocked over by an even greater wave of water from the corridor. Panic started to creep its way into his mind. Where is all this water coming from, he wondered? There shouldn't be this much water in the entire Temple. None of this made any sense.

With water now up to his waist, he slowly waded toward the one place where he could find some answers, Central Command. Maybe there would be another Admin there that could enlighten him as to what was going on.

Surprisingly, Garrett found Central Command abandoned. The water was now up to his chest. If he didn't find some way to stop this water from rising, he was going to drown. Swallowing down his fear, he approached a terminal and started to run system diagnostics.

The monitor flickered on, the display highlighting the schematic of the entire Temple with danger zones flashing in red. Garrett noticed there was a lot of red, nearly the entire Temple.

He pushed a few more buttons to see if he could isolate the source of the water. Immediately, the monitor responded and displayed a broken water main, gushing out water at an alarming rate.

"That can't be right," Garrett said, aloud. There was no way the main could be driving out water of that magnitude. It should have ran dry long ago.

A thought suddenly occurred to him. Wait a minute. He tasted the water. It was sweet. This was not water after all. These were Zoner tears.

He thought back to a recent Dev decision to take away many of the Zoner capital ships.

Oh Crap! he thought. That Dev decision and the resulting wave of Zoner misery was going to kill him. What could he do?

He tried to reverse the flow. No success. The force of the tears was too great.

He tried to activate the bilge pumps. That too, failed. The automated systems were shorted out.

Garrett was at a loss as to what to do. Drowning was quickly becoming a reality. There was no way to stop the tears from flowing. There was only one option left. He had to find someway to redirect the flow.

He quickly hammered away at the keyboard, hoping that the automated systems would last long enough to redirect the main to the proper connection. He watched and prayed as he observed the main line shift from its original location and reconnect to an adjacent line.

Immediately, the tears stopped rising and the bilge pumps came online. Garrett activated the bilge pumps and proceeded to direct all Zoner tears through the new line. He breathed a huge sigh of relief. The tears were receding. Within minutes, the mighty bilge pumps did their work and nearly all traces of Zoner tears were gone.

He watched the Temple schematic on the monitor as it slowly changed from red to yellow to green. The alarm finally stopped blaring and the emergency lights returned to normal. I can finally get some sleep, Garrett thought. I need to get out of these wet clothes. He looked at the monitor one more time and made certain that all Zoner tears were redirected to the right place.

Garrett smiled. All was back to normal again.
Once upon a time, there was a group of A.D.M.I.N.S. and their friends that decided to group together and create a faction that brought pain and misery upon the community. They created an identity that circumvented the rules that everyone else had to play by and they would head out into space destroying all whom they chose.

In time, they decided to disband, either because of community outrage or out of sheer boredom. Whatever the case, they closed up shop, parked their ships and determined that no one would be allowed to do that to the community again.

Years later, a different set of A.D.M.I.N.S. got together to discuss what to do with these old ships that were not being used anymore. After discussing it, they agreed that they would repurpose these ships and present them as a gift to the community.

One Admin, Garrett, had what he thought was a wonderful way to present this gift. He carefully and thoughtfully planned out how exactly to wrap it up in a nice attractive looking package. After many days, he finished it. He looked back on his work with satisfaction. The community was going to love this gift, he said to himself.

When Garrett presented his gift to the community, many were skeptical. Their thoughts went back to the last time these ships were used. They were fearful the same thing would happen to them as before. No, Garrett assured them. This gift is nothing like that. He explained and explained to them, spending many hours talking to the community and even privately to individuals that had questions.

Some people were very happy to get this gift. They wanted to be a part of it. However, others were not happy at all. Some rejected it. There were those that didn't even look at the gift wrapping before they decided they hated it. Garrett tried to assure these ones that this was going to be a gift everyone would enjoy, but his plea fell on deaf ears. Still, there were enough members of the community that expressed interest and Garrett was thrilled that he would be able to present his gift to them.

After a little while, there were others that wanted to present this same gift to the community, but in a different wrapping. The A.D.M.I.N.S decided that any that desired to provide their own gift to the community would be able to present it and after a short time, they would vote on whose gift they thought might be best.

At first, Garrett was annoyed. He worked so hard on his gift and now he had to wait even longer to present it to the community. But, he figured, if someone comes up with a better presentation, then the community would benefit. So, he waited patiently for the others to wrap up their gifts nice and neat.

After the others finished the wrapping of their gifts, the A.D.M.I.N.S. collected themselves together and looked carefully at them. They examined each one, trying to determine which of these gifts would be in the best interest of the community. After deliberating for almost two weeks on the matter, the decision was made. Garrett's gift was selected.

Garrett rejoiced at the opportunity to present his gift. Finally, he would be able to share with the community the special present he had prepared. He knew that once it was presented, even the doubters and skeptics among them would see how great his gift was.

Sadly, though, there were those that were not happy that Garrett's gift was selected. Some were fearful still. They were worried that Garrett's gift would hurt them. Others were ignorant because they didn't take the time to look the gift over carefully. They rejected it outright without examining it.

One member created a poll to see which gift the community would have chosen. Very few selected Garrett's. Many selected one of the other gifts. This saddened Garrett because he worked so hard on his, but he wanted the community to be happy, so he did something very difficult for him. He put his gift away and let the other member present his gift.

The community rejoiced when Garrett told them the news. They were thrilled that they didn't have to receive his gift.

Garrett noticed, however, that many in the community were unappreciative. We don't want any gift, they shouted. Some only picked the other member's gift because they thought it was the lesser of three evils. They even demanded that the gifts be destroyed and no one have them. Garrett thought that that was ridiculous. If they didn't like his gift, then so be it. But, to refuse all the gifts? Garrett was ashamed to be part of the community.

Even some former A.D.M.I.N.S. came forward to mock Garrett's gift. The very ones that made it so difficult for the community to accept his gift, were now laughing at him for trying to do something nice. Even they didn't take the time to look at the gift first before they ridiculed his efforts.

Garrett was dejected. He went to the forums to take care of his Admin responsibilities when he noticed a newer member offering a gift of his own. It was a clumsily wrapped gift in the shape of a giant cube. Many in the community pounced on him like a pack of hungry wolves. Instead of taking the opportunity to teach and encourage, they laughed and mocked him for his efforts. Finally, Garrett had to step in and pull the dogs off of him. Poor kid, he thought.

What kind of community was this? Was this the type of community he wanted to be a part of? Instead of an appreciative and encouraging community, it was just the opposite. Garrett was thoroughly sick of what he was seeing. How long will a community last if it's members tear one another up? Did he want to be around to see it eat itself up from the inside?

He decided he needed a break. He had to get away from this divisive community and clear his head. He jumped aboard his ship, docked at the Temple of the Damned, punched in some coordinates where he knew no one would bother him, and flew off.

There, next to the coffee pot in the Temple's breakroom, he left a note for the other Admins to see.

It read, "Be back in a couple weeks....maybe."


Garrett Jax
Garrett Jax docked his ship at the Temple of the Damned after a couple weeks away. His face was beaming as he disembarked from the Shadow, his [Admin] ship of choice. Waiting for him farther inside the bay was Admin Ktayn. Garrett noticed him immediately, grabbed the two small bags from inside his ship and waved them wildly.

"Hey Ktayn, you're not going to believe this?" he yelled out excitedly. He pointed at the bags. "I found a Taco Bell on my way over here. I got some nachos with your name on it, buddy."

Admin Ktayn laughed. "You found our Taco Bell, huh?"

"Yep. Got pirated twice on my way here too," said Garrett. "The filthy pirates demanded all my tacos. All I got left is some nachos and a chalupa."

"It's April 1, Garrett. That Taco Bell is just one of many April Fool's jokes." Ktayn took the nachos. "Follow me, Garrett. You're going to love what we've done."

Garrett followed Ktayn, eager to see what was new. If it was as exciting as the Taco Bell, then this was going to be an awesome day. They left the docking bay and continued down the corridor where the sleeping quarters were located.

A door swung open, and there in front of Garrett Jax, was...another Garrett Jax!

Garrett's mouth dropped. "What the hell is this all about?" he demanded.

"Oh, that's another one of our April Fool's jokes," laughed Ktayn. "Admin Jansen and you switched identities. You look like him and he looks like you. Isn't that funny?"

Garrett looked at himself standing there. How was this even possible? He ran past himself and into the room. He quickly found a mirror hanging on the wall and peered into it. It was true. He looked exactly like Jansen. Garrett felt ill. What kind of sick joke was this? He looked back at Ktayn.

"Did you do this, Ktayn?" he asked.

"Well, actually, I'm not Ktayn, Garrett." he replied.

"What?" Garrett looked completely lost. "Who are you?"

Ktayn laughed loudly. "I'm mwerte. I switched with Ktayn."

Garrett rolled his eyes. "Let me guess. April Fools?"

"Now you're getting it.'

"Any other surprises?" Garrett asked, fearfully.

'Ktayn' perked up. "Oh yeah. One big surprise. You're going to love it."

Garrett looked suspicious. "Why do I get the feeling that I am most certainly not going to love it?"

They walked further down the corridor toward Central Command and there, sitting at a monitor, was the 'big surprise.'

"What is he doing here?" Garrett demanded.

"Relax, Garrett," 'Ktayn' said. He pointed at the young man sitting there. "This is our new Admin, Altejago."

"You have got to be freaking kidding me," screamed Garrett. "Have you lost your mind?"

'Ktayn' looked amazingly calm. "Try and relax, Garrett. It's an April Fool's joke. We told the community we appointed him, and we kinda sorta gave him the Admin Title. But that's it."

"Oh really," Garrett replied. "Then what is he doing at the monitor."

"Well," said Ktayn. "We wanted to see what he would do if we gave him the power to permaban people."

"You did what?!?"

"Nah, it's ok," said 'Ktayn', soothingly. "It's not connected."

Garrett looked at Altejago. He was sitting there next to a monitor looking over the names of various members of the community. In his hand was the big red permaban button.

After a few seconds, Altejago struck the permaban button repeatedly with uncontrolled rage.

"Ban the !@#$%" he screamed.

Garrett jumped back, startled at the violent display. He turned to the admin that looked like Ktayn.

"How many has he banned so far?" Garrett asked.

'Ktayn' looked at the monitor. "Um, I think he's banned upwards of 80% of the community...twice, including all the Admins."

Garrett looked surprised. "The Admins?"

"Oh yeah," replied 'Ktayn'. "They were the first to go. Every single one of them."

Garrett stepped back and took a long deep calming breath. "Ktayn?" he said.

"I'm mwerte."

"Whatever," replied Garrett irritated. "Here's the deal. I'm going to go to bed. When I wake up, I want my body back. I want Altejago outta here. And I want everything back to normal."

'Ktayn' looked disappointed. "Awww, c'mon Garrett. I haven't even told you about the Venator, yet. Whoever wins it is going to be in for a big surprise."

"I've had it with surprises," Garrett said as he walked away. "Tomorrow, everything back to normal. You got that, Ktayn?"

"I'm mwerte."

Mwerte staggered around the halls of the Temple of the Damned, with his Garrett mask stapled to his face.

Attracted by the shiney control panel he went over to it, curious as a cat, and before Doc could shoo him away, started pushing all the buttons.

Everything went dark. Again.
"Another Ion Storm approaching," said Garrett. These Ion Storms were occurring with greater frequency and duration of late. Every one of the A.D.M.I.N.S. were concerned about this. These storms were threatening the very fabric of space and time.

Garrett got up to grab some coffee. It was going to be another late night trying to figure out how to solve this crises. A little 'Admin fuel' would get him through till morning.

As Garrett approached the coffee pot, he noticed a fairly large sized cockroach scurry across the floor making it's way for the cabinet which held the coffee grounds. Garrett stomped on the cockroach before it reached its destination.


He grabbed a napkin from off the counter and wiped the sticky mess from off his shoe, trying to keep from gagging. Lousy Moderators are supposed to keep this place clean, he thought angrily. There was going to be a swift kick for the next Mod he ran across. Slackers...

The Ion Storm finally reached the Temple of the Damned. The Temple rocked violently, knocking Garrett to the floor. He banged his head hard on impact, sparks dancing in his eyes. Dazed and confused, Garrett got up slowly, rubbing the pain away from the back of his head. That was the most violent Ion Storm he ever encountered. His vision quickly returned to him and the first thing he noticed was that everything was dark. The power must have gone out with emergency lighting kicking in. He waited for a few moments for the main power to return, but nothing happened.

Growling to himself about the damned Ion Storms, Garrett walked over to a light switch and flicked it on. Light filled the room and the first thing he noticed was thousands of cockroaches scurrying away for cover.

What the heck?!?

Before he could think of all the many horrors he would inflict on the entire Moderator team, his thoughts were immediately brought to a halt at what he next witnessed. The place looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in years. Cabinet doors were half off their hinges. The floors and walls were filthy, covered in some sort of grime. The whole place felt abandoned. Garrett shuddered. The Temple, cold and uninviting, no longer felt like home. It was a very strange feeling.

What happened here?

Before he could find any answers and old voice yelled out at him from behind.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Garrett turned around to see an old man with a frightened look staring at him. In his hand, he pointed a wooden cane at him, menacingly. He had to be upwards of seventy or eighty years old, he figured. Regardless, it was somebody that could tell him what was going on around here.

He took a step toward the old man. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The old man stepped back, raising his cane even higher as if expecting Garrett to strike. "Stay away from me," he cried. "I'm an Admin. Don't make me hurt you."

An Admin? Garrett was even more confused. "Who are you?" he asked, a little softer this time.

The old man seemed to respond better to the softer tone. "My name is Freeroamer," he replied "[Admin]Freeroamer to you. Now, you will tell me who you are and what you are doing here?"

Freeroamer?!? Impossible, thought Garrett. Freeroamer was a kid, not this old man hobbling in front of him. Oh no. A sickening thought suddenly occurred to him.

"What year is this, [Admin]Freeroamer?" he asked. How the hell did he become an Admin? Garrett was fearful of the answer to either question.

"The year?" asked Freeroamer, looking confused at the question. He counted on frail fingers for a time. "Why, the year is 880. Now, young man, I've answered your questions. Answer mine. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Garrett stood in disbelief and shock. 880? How could that be?

The Ion Storm!

It must have ripped a hole in the fabric of space and hurtled him forward in time. He looked again at the old man claiming to be Freeroamer. Wouldn't hurt to answer his questions, he figured. It would be nice to know how this place fell apart so badly.

Garrett offered his hand in greeting. "I'm [Admin]Garrett Jax," he said, respectfully. "Its been a long time, Freeroamer."

The old man's jaw dropped. He squinted his eyes and leaned closer toward Garrett. "Garrett Jax?" he asked uncertainly. "How can that be? You should be dead by now, yet you look the same as when you left?"

"I think an Ion Storm hurtled me through the future and brought me here?" Garrett said. There were a hundred questions that Garrett wanted to ask the old man. There were so many, he didn't even know where to begin.

Suddenly, Freeroamer's face paled. "You shouldn't be here, Garrett." He rocked back and forth, anxious and unsettled. "She will not be pleased to see you."

Garrett looked confused. "Who are you talking about?, he asked. "Who won't be pleased to see me?"

Freeroamer looked panicked. "Nope. She will not be pleased."

Garrett grabbed the old man by his shoulders to try and get his attention.

"Freeroamer. Who?"

The old man's eyes finally settled on Garrett's. With a whisper, he said the name that sent shivers down his spine.


End of Part One
"Karlotta?" repeated Garrett Jax. By instinct, he started looking for the red Permaban button. How could she be on the Temple of the Damned?

Freeroamer was visibly shaking. "Yes, she's in charge of things now." The old man was leaning heavily on his cane, trying to steady himself. "I help her run what's left of this server."

"What do you mean, what's left of the server?" asked Garrett, angrily. He looked around at the dilapidated conditions--the filthy grime, the darkened corridors and above all else, the horrible smell of decay. This was unacceptable. "There is nothing left. It's wasted away to nothing."

"I know it looks bad, Garrett." Freeroamer looked ashamed. "Things haven't turned out so well since the Admins left all those years ago."

Garrett longed for answers. "Tell me what happened," he asked.

Freeroamer looked around the room quickly. After satisfying himself that they were alone, he spoke. "She might be sleeping, now. She sleeps a lot." He grabbed Garrett's arm with his free hand. "Come, I know a place where you will be safe, a place she never goes. We can talk on the way."

"I'm not going anywhere, Freeroamer," said Garrett. "I'm not afraid of Karlotta, and you shouldn't be either. We're Admins. We don't fear anyone."

The old man looked horrified at Garrett's words. "Things have changed since you were here last. Please, come with me and I'll explain."

Reluctantly, Garrett allowed Freeroamer to lead him down the dimly lit corridor to the place he intended on taking him. Things had obviously changed. Why was it so dark around here? He could feel a small knot forming in his stomach, as he observed the once proud Temple reduced to a garbage dump.

Freeroamer shuffled his feet slowly. "Well, where do I start?" he said. "It all began when Karlotta discovered a way onto the Temple. I can't remember all the details, but she told me she created a bunch of 'alts' of herself and hid them all at a Taco Bell. An Admin stopped by to visit and she hopped aboard his vessel when he wasn't looking. He took her straight to the Temple."

"That's a bunch of crap," yelled Garrett. He was the Admin that visited the April Fools Taco Bell. His old Phantom vessel, the Shadow, was way too small to fit a stowaway without him noticing. "I would've seen her if she boarded my ship."

"I don't know, Garrett," replied Freeroamer. "She's awfully small. She can hide very well. Anyways, when she arrived at the Temple, she was determined to discover a way to get rid of all the Admins in one fell swoop. She spent days observing your living patterns and routines."

"And nobody saw her?" Garrett asked, unconvinced. "How could she survive without food or water, if she was hiding on the Temple for days. This place, well...this place used to be kept immaculately clean. Food and water were not kept lying around."

Freeroamer didn't hesitate. "Well, she can survive for days without food and water. Nevertheless, she said there were plenty of puddles of Zoner tears in abandoned parts of the Temple. She said they tasted like her favorite drink, sugar water."

The Zoner tears! Oh no, thought Garrett. It was entirely possible that there could be some traces left of the Zoner tear incident some time ago. A person could survive for days on nothing but Zoner tears. The bile from Garrett's stomach was beginning to reach the back of his mouth.

Freeroamer continued with his story. "After several days, she finally discovered a way to rid the Temple of all Admins."

"How could she possibly accomplish that?" Garrett interrupted.

This was ludicrous. There was absolutely no way that the Admins would leave their post. They were some of the most responsible, hardworking people he had ever met. They were dedicated and focused, always giving of themselves for the sake of others. There was nothing that would cause an Admin, let alone the entire staff, to abandon their jobs.

"She ruined all the coffee."

Garrett paused for a second, then said, "Yep, that would do it."

His stomach was turning over and over inside him. He felt ill at the thought. Was he indeed responsible for all this?

Freeroamer continued walking carefully down the corridor. His head was on a swivel as he kept a keen eye out for any signs of Karlotta. He led Garrett down several flights of stairs toward the maintenance section of the Temple. After stopping to catch his breath, he continued his story.

"Well, after the old Admins were dispatched, Karlotta appointed new ones to take their place. People that would run things as she envisioned them. Unfortunately, conditions quickly deteriorated after that."

Garrett was not surprised. "What happened?" he asked.

"She got rid of the new Admins soon thereafter," said Freeroamer. "She suspected them of conspiring against her. And the same with the next batch and the next batch. Everyone was conspiring against her."

Garrett smirked. "That sounds like Karlotta."

"It gets worse," said Freeroamer. Within a couple weeks, every decent player left the community. All that were left were the trolls. So, in order to boost the numbers, Karlotta offered amnesty to every single cheater and hacker that was previously banned."

Garrett gasped. "Cheaters, hackers and trolls, oh my. That must have been a fun time."

Freeroamer didn't look amused. "No, not really," he said. "After the cheaters all came back, they started trolling the trolls and everybody started cheating for a while until they all finally got bored and left."

They stopped in front of the large sliding maintenance bay door with a regular door standing next to it. Garrett remembered this as being a place where repairs were handled and also storage for some of the Admin's pet projects. It smelled even worse down here. Garrett squinted his eyes to try and see what might be the source of the awful smell, but the dimly lit halls offered nothing. Finally, he turned to the old man.

"Why is it so blasted dark around here?" asked Garrett. "Can't we turn on the lights? I can barely see anything."

Freeroamer shook his head. "Karlotta doesn't like the light," he said. "She insists on keeping as little light on as possible. I'm actually used to it now."

Garrett shrugged. He waited on Freeroamer as the old man punched some numbers on a security keypad. Soon, a *click* was heard and the door opened up to an abandoned storage closet.

Garrett followed Freeroamer in. "You said Karlotta doesn't go down here?" asked Garrett. "Why not?"

Freeroamer chuckled. "She thinks it's haunted," he said. "Don't worry. It's completely safe. Mind the tractor though."

"A tractor?" asked Garrett. He could see a big wheeled, motorized farming tractor sitting at the back end of the maintenance storage bay. His thoughts immediately went back to Jansen, the angry farmer. He loved tractors. This must have been one of Jansen's pet projects way back during his time at the Temple.

Once they entered, Freeroamer turned to Garrett. He no longer appeared nervous. In fact, he almost looked confident.

"I'm going to check on things for a moment, Garrett," he said. "Maybe I can figure a way to get you back to your time too. Wait here, I won't be long."

Garrett wasn't happy about being stuck in a dark storage unit hiding from Karlotta, of all people. But, as Freeroamer mentioned, times had changed. Better to be safe and do as instructed for the time being. He nodded to the old man and watched him leave. The *click* as the door shut told him he was locked in.

As Garrett's eyes adjusted to the nearly blacked out room, he fumbled around for a light switch, hoping to find one. He stumbled over some boxes and cursed loudly.

Suddenly, he got the feeling that he wasn't alone. Something within the storage unit had 'awakened'. Garrett carefully backed away toward the door. A presence could be felt, something intelligent was studying him...watching. Garrett looked for something to use as a weapon, however the room was too dark and he was not about to explore further in. No wonder Karlotta never entered this room, he thought. Maybe it was haunted after all.

Suddenly a noise was heard from the back of the storage bay. It sounded like a soft rumble. Garrett leaned forward to try to make out what the noise was. It sounded almost like a...purr.

"Who's there?" Garrett demanded.

The purring stopped. In its place, was a familiar voice. "Freeroamer called you Garrett," said the voice. "I knew a Garrett once. Garrett Jax was his name."

"I am Garrett Jax," Garrett replied. "Who are you?"

"Jax!" the voice shouted. "It's me, Jansen."

Garrett squinted through the darkness. "Jansen?" he said. "How did you get here? I can't see you."

"Oh, my apologies," said Jansen. "Here, I'll turn on my light."

Instantly, the headlight from the tractor lit up, brightening the whole storage bay. Garrett covered his eyes, momentarily blinded by the sudden appearance of light. After several seconds, his eyes adjusted and he could see everything in the room clearly, including the most technologically advanced tractor he had ever seen. However, there was no sign of Jansen.

"Jansen," called Garrett. "I can't see you."

"I'm right here," said Jansen. His voice came from the tractor.

Garrett approached the farming machine looking to see if Jansen was inside it somehow. "I can't see how you got yourself inside the tractor."

Jansen laughed. "Garrett, I am the tractor."

End of Part Two
Having been out of coffee for a few days now Jansen was working on a bunch of reports from all over the Sirius sector, some contained real crime, some contained misbehaviour, some contained nothing at all and then, right next to the cute cat posters he had ordered for his rooms decoration, there was that one ad.
He saw it and was caught right away, they sold what always had been his dream and they even sold it for an awesome price!

It was a red tractor, the newest engine technology right from Rheinland.
Jansen immediately ordered one, even thought it would take them some time to deliver it from Stuttgart all the way to the Temple.

He was thinking about all the great things he could do with it, driving around the Temple, installing a coffee dispenser, maybe even prepare it for a journey to space?

This would be something great.
Garrett strolled down the halls of the Temple of the Damned with a nice hot cup of Sunbucks coffee in his hand. The coffee machine named Cara, that Sergeant Valent somehow lost, managed to find its way aboard Garrett's ship.

Amazing how that worked out.

Garrett thought briefly about keeping the machine to himself, but after seeing the mopey faces of the other Admins, he decided to be nice and share his newly found coffee with the Staff. He dismantled Cara from his ship and looked around for a Moderator to install 'her' on the Temple's cafeteria wall. He called out on the intercom for all Mods to arrive immediately.

However, the Temple was sans Mods.

Well, that sucks. Normally, when he got angry he would just find the nearest Moderator and give him a good hard kick. However, in this case, all the Moderators were absent. He thought about kicking a fellow Admin instead, but decided against it.

They tend to kick back.

This is horrible, he thought. Now, I'm going to have to start working around here. He shuddered at the prospect. He looked at the uninstalled coffee machine and then at the open spot on the cafeteria wall. Then back at the machine. Then the wall again.

Nope, its not going to install itself.

Exasperated, he placed Cara on the counter. "What am I going to do, Cara?" asked Garrett. "We are low on Moderators and I'm too lazy to install you myself."

Cara, the Sunbucks coffeemaker laughed. "Why don't you just find some new Moderators, sir?"

"Yes, brilliant," exclaimed Garrett. "Fresh meat."

Garrett decided to get right on that. First, though, he had to finish his cup of coffee.
The delivery guy had left the Temple 10 minutes ago, right after he brought all the parts of Jansens newest toy, they even included a tiny pannon with an angry farmer on it, he would definitely make use of that one as it would fit perfectly on one of the side mirrors.
Now while looking at the whole thing Jansen figured out something incredible, the tractor had arrived in pieces, it still had to be assembled to be ready for use.

A catastrophe!

Jansen knew that he likely would break things if he tried to do this himself, so there was only one solution, he had to get someone else to do it, someone with no real other use than that kind of work that gets your hands dirty. What Jansen needed was simple, he needed a Moderator.
He got to one of the Moderator calling devices on the wall, pressed the EMERGENCY button and waited for the Mod to arrive.
1 minute passed, a second one passed, 5 more passed, but nobody arrived. He pressed the button again and again, but nothing happened.

He thought to himself 'Great, first we are out of coffee, now we are out of Moderators, this place has serious issues.'

While thinking about possible solutions to this problem, he looked at the tractor pieces again and was close to crying, how should he get this done without a Moderator?
It was a rough ride over to the new workplace. After the shady establishment decided that they had a job to give, Moveit56 was ushered to a ship which looked suspiciously like a starflier. After being given a uniform which once again, looks suspiciously like a janitors outfit, he was promptly shoved inside the Temple of the Damned and the door closed behind him.

Deciding to take a walk and figure out what this new job consisted of completely, a few things were immediately noticeable. For some strange reason, every second hallway which he progressed down, was a coffee machine. Completely out of place, yet there they were. Functioning at some unknown capacity which brought upon a sinking feeling of great destructive power.

There was a strange smell in the air. Something which has faded for a long time, however there was still a faint smell of.. tears? "What kind of establishment are they running here. Where are the new bosses anyways? I'd at least like an explanation on what I should be doing."

Passing by a room, he had to double back quickly in question. A man was huddled on the ground staring at a box which looked suspiciously like a farming machine model. Quietly, he pulls out a small PDA and looks up whatever may be on the floor in front of the man, pulling the assembly instructions manual from the Neural Net. Embarking on a virtual hunt for wireless printers, he discovers twenty of them. Setting the manual to print on all twenty, he calmly puts the PDA away and walks away.

Continuing down the hallway, he yet again sulks past a second suspicious room. Another man was talking to a coffee machine this time. "What on earth.. I need to get out of here, the driver must have taken a wrong turn or something. Everyone is acting really stran-.." Cut off from his mumbling, he spots a coffee spill on the ground a little before the room.

Sighing, he goes to find a mop. "I guess cleaning up should come first."
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