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Full Version: TBH vs. RM - Xi, "U-Boot Down"
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[Image: Omicron_Xi.jpg]
"U-Boot Down"

[RM]-Rheinwehr vs. [TBH]-The Brotherhood

Date: Saturday 13/04/2019, 1600 UTC
Location: Omicron Xi, Sector 5B.

Event Description:
In the early hours of the morning, a Rheinwehr long range patrol vessel, the Oder-class RWK-Euligen entered Omicron Xi on a 3 day observation mission. Within hours, monitoring stations in Munich picked up distress calls from the vessel - under heavy attack by Corsairs of The Brotherhood, they were making a run for it. Acting swiftly, local Rheinwehr forces mobilise and are moving into Omicron Xi to confront the Brotherhood hunting party. Meanwhile, the Brotherhood prepares for the response they know must come.

Participants & Registration List:
// This is a registration only event, for tagged ships of [RM] and [TBH] only. Slots are as follows, please post below for registration - I ask that you ensure that the name you post here is the one that you log with, to prevent any misunderstandings. We do reserve the right to request people to leave the area if not registered.

1x Battleship:

1x Cruiser:

1x Gunboat:
Angelo-Benitez[TBH] - Gunboat (Angelino Benitez)
4x Snubs:
Jose.Juarez[TBH] - fighter
Carlos.Espada[TBH] (titan)
Hector[TBH] (snub)

1x Battleship:

1x Cruiser:
[RM]RWK-Elbe - Donau Cruiser (Timinator)
1x Gunbat:
[RM]RNC-Cospeda - GB (Bannorn)
4x Snubs:
[RM]Fl.Finn.Krieger (Reacher)
[RM]S.Ulrich.Wurth - Bomber (Pepe)
[RM] (Thunderer)

At request, Im adding a reserve list of people willing and able to switch if any side has issues filling its slots:
Gudalupe.Furisoa[TBH] (snub) (Reacher)

Event plan:
RM ships will gather in Munich and jump through to XI.
TBH will gather at Syros.
The two sides will pew at approximately 5B.

Funs, No Ganks,
Some dank wanks
Certain amount of memes,

All server rules are in effect.
1. Standard PvP rules apply.
If you're killed, you're out. No returning to the battle again.
2. No running away from the active battlezone.
Once you leave the fight you're forbidden from rejoining. That includes resupplying. This is a fun pew not a marathon.
3. All loadouts allowed.
Self explanatory.
4. Register to participate.
Non registered ships will be asked to leave. Registering helps us keep the fight fair and fun for everyone.
5. No NEMPs, I guess.
6. Sombreros must measure less than 22ft by 12ft. Violators won't fit in their cockpit.

OORP: If I overlooked something, let me know.
I will register as [RM]Fl.Finn.Krieger (snub), but I can be as Gudalupe.Furisoa[TBH] (snub) later on for balance sake
Jose Artigas[TBH]!
[RM]RWK-Elbe - Donau Cruiser.
Azura[TBH] - Snub
Terrible Pepe Ladron in his TBH Gladiator.

Sombrero I will leave at home, because it hides my face and no one can see who is the prettiest in all TBH.
El.Torturador - Imperator
Cant make it this day, but i wish all participants the best fun Smile
Angelo-Benitez[TBH] - Gunboat
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