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identified: Keeper Leviathan

[Image: tbarlevia.png]

To the Professorship,

It's unfortunate that I come to you with the news that one of our allies and neighbors - The Kingdom of Bretonia, has saw fit to close their borders to us and initiate hostilities without providing a reason. Following the lock-out decision made by the Bretonian Government, the Covenant's Inner Phalanx responded in kind with a lock-out of our own and secured the borders of Covenant territory.

Rather than respond to our request to clarify and negotiate a resolution, Bretonia dispatched two officers without notice. Those officers were turned away. Several hours later, a combination task force of Gaians and SIS vessels attempted to breach the security line at the Cortez Jumphole. They were given every warning and explanation to turn around and return to their designated territory. When they refused and warships began entering the system, we continued to issue warnings and established a defensive stance.

At 13:51 on May 6th, 826 A.S, the HMS-Blackpoole opened fire on Covenant assets following orders to remove the established blockade. A skirmish followed in which the Gaian and Intelligence Service suffered heavy casualties. When they had withdrawn, we received a notice that the hostile force which declared its intent to remove our security line, was diplomatic in nature. The composition of their task force was not diplomatic in nature at all. A Lend Lease Battlecruiser, a Gaian Destroyer and strike wing of fighter craft and bombers alike.

The skirmish lasted for several minutes before the assaulting warships suffered critical damage, and the snubcraft were scattered. Throughout the events of the skirmish, the SIS forces were given ample opportunity to withdraw with no further bloodshed. They continued their efforts regardless of the generous offer made in an effort to ensure their survival.

Due to the nature of these events, we felt it only necessary to inform you of the current situation as it continues to develop. It's our hope that a peaceful resolution can be met, provided Bretonia ceases to ignore any attempts at clarifying what issues might have arisen or forging a resolution. They've been a long standing ally, and our forces have spent many days fighting side-by-side against a variety of hostiles, such as the Royalists, Gaians and Nomads alike. It's rather unthinkable that we now find ourselves at odds with the people who we've stood with time and time again against so many common foes. We can't help but feel a little betrayed, as this is a clear act of aggression with no intent of diplomatic resolution.

In light of this, we'd like to advise that the Professorship take caution when entering the region in the event additional skirmishes occur as we wouldn't want any of your assets to find themselves caught in the crossfire of any potential assaults on our line. As of the moment no assistance is required, however any information that can be obtained regarding this would be appreciated and useful in determining a solution without further violence.

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Keeper Leviathan,

We will make the necessary inquiries. I think it's important to find out what caused Auxesia's banishment in the first place. It could have been a misunderstanding, perhaps an elaborate trap by the Gauls? We'll see.
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identified: Keeper Leviathan

[Image: tbarlevia.png]

Mister Weisen,

Current speculation given the composition and nature of the relationship between both organizations that made up the task force suggests that there's a possibility the Gaian movement is influencing Bretonia, which would explain the recent chain of rash and radical decisions they've made involving territory.

It's no secret that over the years we've been largely involved in removing the Gaians from our local area, and spent some time as contractors for the Crown who compensated us with Credits for our efforts in removing what had been considered a terrorist organization. The joint cooperation is speaking volumes. This however remains a supposition with its basis in their recent actions. We're currently in the process of gathering all information pertaining to both organizations into a document for review and additional evidence to support this theory.

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Keeper Leviathan,

We have received messages and made inquiries, and we have been informed of the reason why the formerly allied House Bretonia turned on you. While I am not allowed to reveal specifics I can reassure my good friends in Auxesia that the Gaians have nothing to do with this. Instead the accusation is much more serious than a mere Gaian plot.

It is my personal estimation that your new "enemies" will try to politically isolate you because of this serious matter and Inverness might soon become a theater of extensive fighting. While we are committed at staying uninvolved, your recent military buildup and operations in Kansas are annulling the assurances you have given to Harold Kane, Admiral of the Fourth Octavarium Fleet and naturally this has not been received well by my superiors or our allies.
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identified: Keeper Leviathan

[Image: tbarlevia.png]

Mister Weisen,

We've finally received a list of charges without specifics and established a meeting to clear the air as some things mentioned are quite ridiculous. The situation between ourselves and Bretonia should hopefully be resolved without further conflict in the near future. It's a shame that they've jumped to so many conclusions without even attempting to communicate any concerns in the first place and instead attempted to resort to unnecessary violence.

To address the matter of 'reassurances' - or rather to be a little bit more clear on the subject: the only assurances we gave were on the condition anything done in the area would not hinder our operations or affect our zones of interest. Kansas is one such zone, and has been for many years. I've just combed through that particular conversation word for word. Now you'll have to forgive me as I'm still fuzzy on the finer details. This was during a period where I was otherwise indisposed, but from what I've dug up our 'assurances' don't cover specific circumstances. The noted parties involved are of some grave concern - or at least were, as I've recently been made aware that talks are in progress with the Crayter Republic.

However this isn't about them, or Bretonia or the Gaians as they don't exactly reach that far. It's quite alarming to see that an organization such as yours would put their faith in the ability of half-wit degenerates such as The Unioners, who declare war on organizations after failing to attack them. Their history is rich with treachery and deceit. I wonder how long it'll be before their volatile structure shifts and you find yourselves with Rheinland-made weaponry pointed at your backs, or forcefully subjected to worse at the hands of their Military friends. Kane verified their involvement to some degree in whatever plan you and your superiors are hoping to put into motion. Being a former Legionnaire myself, I can't say that I'd miss The Commonwealth, but I certainly will not tolerate the sight of hostile vessels crossing my security zones.

The safety of our people is non-negotiable, and I'd personally recommend you find yourselves some more stable friends if you have any hope of seeing this thing through.

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Your concerns are noted my Keeper.

So does your remarks about treachery. After all Legionnaires are experts on this field. The Lane Hackers are hoping that a peaceful solution will be found between the two parties in Inverness. If you require our assistance to "pass" a message, we will be happy to assist you.

As for your unannounced expansions within systems of our direct influence, you are well-aware that we have not been vocal about this unfortunate situation. Which is ironic because the Lane Hackers have deliberately avoided expanding into Inverness, respecting your presence in there. I can only imagine your response if we expanded unexpectedly and without a word.

In any case I want to formally ask from the Covenant to avoid aggressive operations in Kansas for the near future. Is there something the Lane Hackers could do in return for this favor?
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identified: Keeper Leviathan

[Image: tbarlevia.png]

Mister Weisen,

While we appreciate the notion of The Lane Hackers avoiding operations in Inverness, keep in mind that our presence in Kansas isn't a recent expansion. We've maintained operations in the area for years dating almost as far back as our founding, and it has been the site of several historic events within our society. It's something of significance both in spirit and scientific study to us, and any 'aggressive operations' would be local patrols or hunting parties. There is the matter of unwanted degenerates, which the Armed Mandate maintains zero tolerance policy on the presence of threats or proven threats to the safety of the Covenant, and will operate according to their duty and the scenarios they're presented with.

Your request isn't an easy one that we can grant. It involves letting our guard down which is a risk we cannot afford, and assurances mean little to me when they involve an organization which is known to be volatile in nature. While I respect the stability of the Lane Hackers, I don't believe that The Unioners will not take any opportunity to strike at our people and our operations if given the chance, and you're practically asking me to leave our door unlocked so they can come in while our backs are turned.

Do you have any idea how much trust you're asking me to put in you?

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Keeper Leviathan,

The Lane Hackers do not oppose, I dare even say we support your recent expansionism in the southern belly of Liberty. However for this to continue we must expect that you take into consideration the concerns and issues of your friends and allies.

We do not ask to allow yourselves to become vulnerable, only for a specific time frame to cease all aggressive operations within that system. Auxesia will still freely be able to defend itself if an enemy is moving against you, after all it is well-known that none of your regional enemies possesses the level of technology that you do.
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