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Full Version: A game of tag with the Corsairs
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*Transmission Signal weak. Boosting power*
*Transmission Location:::Searching:::*
*Located:::Omicron Theta:::*
*Signal transmitter:::Ravana:::*

Today, I visited the Corsair home system, and had a wonderful romp with the Corairs there. They sent their Dessies, their Gunboats, and all their fighters after my Falcata. I'm not here to complain, but to boast. I was playing a wonderful game of tag with them. One of the Dessies smashed themselves to pieces in one of the Asteroid Pockets around the system. The Gunboats almost killed themselves trying to follow me, and I was able to elude the fighters. They thought I had returned to Theta, but no.. I visited Crete, to the frustration of the Corsairs. I led them on another merry chase. I even led th:::Signal losing strength:::

*Relocating signal:::Searching:::*
*Signal relocated*

I cast their life pods back down to Crete. Corsairs are so much fun to toy with..

*Transmission ended*