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Full Version: Poll: Should NPC spawn rate around FP11 be diminished?
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I mean, let's be honest. there are really too many NPCs gathering around Delta, especially Freeport 11. And especially when there's someone hostile to them, they don't leave and just gather more. Often when I'd get out to fight in delta on my love of ship along with lerdi, we often couldn't aim properly due to the NPCs getting into our crosshairs. Due to that number of high NPCs I nova'd myself once (Yes its true). Me and lerdi often go to Delta and have our fun with Velvets (We still love ya), but problem is we cannot even aim at their bombers properly. Even Velvet ones complained they cant aim their SNACs and torpedoes at us.

So, I've decided to ask, if you think that the spawn rate of NPCs around FP11 should be dimished noticeably, to allow better play.