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Full Version: Sabres and Lokis FOR FREE! (on seperate accounts)
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Alright gentlemen, the VF player faction isn't happy with the low number of Bundschuh indies. Therefor we decided to create some our selfs.

What you get:

One of Three Sabres or Two [color=#009900]Lokis


Fully Bundschuh IDed and Repped.
Luger 8s, Debs, Sunslayers/CDs, Nuke Mines, Armor 8, Adv. Cargo Scanner

  • You shouldn't be known to have too many chars already - We really want to make sure that you are going to fly your new toy (after all - we paid for it :p )
  • We want you to post a brief character description for the Bundschuh you have in mind: Hair/Eyes Color, height, fe-/male, basic personality trait (school yard bully or intellectual coward for example) and a brief background story.
If we like your char, you will be given one of these Ships without having to join our Faction - You will stay INDEPENDENT for as long as you wish

Bundschuh in a few sentences:

About the Bundschuh and your RP
  • The Bundschuh is a revolutionary organization which seeks to overthrow the fascist government of Rheinland - so Propaganda is your No1 RP (Like complaining about workers not being paid, people being locked away for speaking their mind etc - the whole anti-fascist thing)
  • The Bundschuh are the most friendly pirates of all we know, since they are funded by rich intellectuals - they mostly ask for donations without hesitating to tell the trader in long how bad things are in Rheinland.
    The Volksfront it's self completely refrains from pirating credits - but as an indy, it should be OK.
  • ZoI: Rheinland, o3, o11, o15, s13, Bering
Your Enemies and Allies are:
  • Allies: Hessians (deeper in the south of Rheinland) and angry Farmers (to be found in Stuttgart if you look for em long enough) - we also have the zoners, IC and junkers supporting us with goods (IC with funds) for more than a 110 years now.
  • Enemies: The Blockheads of the Rheinland Military and the misguided officers of the Rheinland Police
  • Your Prey: All Rheinland cooperations (with the exception of ALG - they treat their workers nice) and everyone else supporting the fascist armament industry with niobium or the exploitation of miners by hauling diamonds.
  • Outcasts tend to help and Corsairs tend to Shoot you - both will ignore you mostly thought. One of those two entering Rheinland will be warned and shot upon if they don't leave.
For more informations about the Bundschuh and its historical background, please visit the Volksfront Faction Status Post in the respective sticky thread in factions forum. you will find it on page 3.

Other benefits:
  • You will be invited into the Rheinland Unlawful's General Chat (Skype)
  • You will be invited into the Rheinland Revolutionaries Forum (Home to VF, RHA and LWB)
Edit: oh yes, i forgot:

THE BUNDSCHUH DOES NOT FLY ANY CAP THAT IS BIGGER THAN ITS BASE ( and our bases are seriously small, btw)
Name: Lars Emmerich
Education: Studying Engineering at New Berlin University
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5""6"



I walk home every day, looking around at the depressed city being crushed by the intolerable weight of oppression. I ask myself why I put up with this crap.
Until I found out about the Bundschuh. They feel the same way myself and many other people do. They want to put an end to the fascism here.
I've been reading about the Volksfront on the Neural Net, I may still be young but I think I'm going to do this. I'm leaving University to fight for them.
I'm sick of this place, the way it is now, especially after what the police did to Anton. I'm packing my bags now, I have to do this, not just for me, but for you. For Anton.
For the people of Rheinland.

I will be back for you, as fast as I can. I love you.

- Lars
Name: Adrian Herrmann
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 5,9

Guten tag Frau Landser. I know you have little reason to trust me you do not know me and I have done nothing to earn your trust. I have seen through the states foul slanders on your organisation however. I know you act for the good of our noble Fatherland, the great Rhienland!

I was born into the industrial slums of New Berlin; the Heiligensee Kiez specificly. Its a particularly poor area, although my family has always managed to survive through my fathers business. He crafts small components for space craft that make up parts of the engine areas. Through his meager income he managed to secure me a place in a State school in a less deprived area. We did not have enough money to send me into further education however; instead I was destined to work alongside my father until I could pass the business onto a son of my own.

During my time at school I had rubbed shoulders with the influential, and the contrasts of the poverty of Heiligensee with the ostentatious extravagance of the further up market areas sickened me. I began to see how our Houses wealth was held by a select few Capitalists while the working people suffered in squalor. I could envision a State were capitol was distributed equally among the People through a system of economic fairness laid down by a benevolent Socialist regime.

I voiced these views inside the home, sparking debate among my family. My father even threatened to turn me out for blasphemy against the GottKanzler, the very individual who has been squandering Rhienlands opportunities as a State of the People.

As the State directed our House to a path of war with Liberty, I became discontent, rousing fellow inhabitants of my Kiez to protest against the fascist state. We aimed small smashing the windows of capitalist pigs shops and spreading leaflets among others who would no doubt be drawn to the cause.

It was at this point my father decided that he could no longer tolerate my actions and cast me out, causing me to move in with friends of the cause. It was at that point I began to look for others who shared my views for the creation of a better Rhienland. I found the Bundschuh.

This is why I now pen this letter to you Frau Landser. I know the neural nets are monitored by the fascist pigs, so I have asked my friends to pass the letter from hand to hand until it reaches your door. I hope it arrives promptly.

I will fight for the Fatherland and its people, Frau Landser. Give me a weapon and I shall fight them in the cities! Give me a ship and I shall fight in the space ways! Give me a mission and I shall readily die in the name of the Bundschuh!

Fuer das Volk!
I'll give it a shot. Rheinland isn't something I'm very active in, and the lawfuls bore me. Not to mention the account would be nice.
Just trying off the top of my head:

Name: Heinrich Schwartz
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Grey
Height: 6' 0"
Dear Diary,
As I walk the forsaken alleys of New Berlin, my heart sinks. I see nothing but deterioration of a once-grand nation - only to have been corrupted by the fascist regime. Rheinland - the Fatherland - has been crippled by war and is suffocating under the grasp of the chancellor. The days of Rheinland are numbered. I choose the revolutionaries. The Bundschuh, Hessians, and Landwirtrechtbewegung are Rheinland's future.

My bags are packed. Glory to the Bundschuh.

~Heinrich Schwartz

Once finished writing, he packed his battered journal into the ragtag rucksack and climbed aboard his second-hand dagger, looking hopefully to the space above New Berlin. As the autopilot drives him to a nearby pirate base, he thinks about his past. Growing up in poverty limited his schooling, but he knew the ways of New Berlin's streets. The gangs, the fascist police brutally beating those who outwardly opposed. He wrote in his journal to express the hatred against the government.

As he landed, he met the Bundschuh representative.
"Guten tag."

Name: Isolda "Ines" Halgen
Education: Professor of piloting arts at Hamburg Academy of arts
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Green/Red/Blue with a splash of blonde
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'6"


Hail, I was recently contacted by Bundschuh. Contact material opened my eyes quite wide to the corruption in Rheinland. Obviously due to my piloting skills I'd be a great asset to Bundschuh. I regreat dearly that I've spent my last 7 years teaching RM recruits how to fly properly. I would gladly voluenter my services now to Bundschuh as a trainer in the arts of flying.

I hope we can arrange for my safe extraction from Hamburg, so i can start helping you men out.

Stop them fashists!
Name: Adrian Dietfried
Education: Secondary Education Degree
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Dirty Blond
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'11"

Allo my friends. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Adrian Dietfried born on Planet Hamburg. As a little child my parents spoke out against the the facist "rulers" of our Rheinland and the corrupt businesses supported by them. On my occasion, I attended rallies with them since the time I was 6. That all changed 2 months after my 8th birthday. As my family returned home from one of those rallies, my father noticed something was wrong inside the house; it seemed like someone had been inside then tried to conceal the fact. My father slowly opened the front door and when nothing happened proceeded to enter inside. A minute or two passed when he came running back out the door yelling, "MOVE AWAY! GET DOWN!" We scarcely had time to do anything before a tremendous force knocked everyone off their feet. When I stood up and look towards my house, there was nothing but a huge stream of fire! After that, we quickly went to a friend's house and they put us up for the night. Those friends arranged for us to enter a safe house with "acquantances" of theirs. We moved to the safe house and lived relatively peacefully for 3-4 weeks with another family also hiding there. late one night, however, there was a thunderous storm outside and it was pitch black outside. A sudden crash was heard as one of the windows seemed to explode. There was an audible "crump" as something hit the floor. Noxious gas began spewing out of the object and soon filled the whole house. The gas burned the eyes and it felt like you were choking. Then the door came crashing in. Figures almost like ghosts began to sweep through the house. My parents forced me through a trap door underneath my bed into a small cellar. They said "Shhh Adrian, everything will be alright. We'll be right back son" and closed the door. I could now see nothing, but what I ehard was more than enough. Voices yelling commands to my parents and the other family. "Line up against the wall! Get on your knees with your hands on your head!" A moment later I heard a "crack!" quickly followed by screams of pain and the harsh deep curses of my father at someone. A shot then rang out and more screaming resulted. The same person who had given the earlier commands shouted "Shut up, all of you!" and the screams and cries turned to slight wimpering. From what I could tell from the next commands, they had seperated all of the mother of the other family, her daughter, and my mom from the boys and men. I heard their calls but they slowly became fainter and I eventually heard a door slam shut. The last thing I can remeber from that night is a simple one word command given by that same unknown man: "Fire" followed by 4 shots. The next day, someone opened the trap door to my cellar and it turned out to be the friends who had given us the safe house. They explained to me how the Rheinland Federal Police had raided the house last night and taken away the women and girls including my mother! I asked what happened to my father, but the friend refused to answer. She had be gather up my things then as we walked toward the door tried to cover up my eyes. I was still able to see though and that sight I came upon in the hallway will haunt me forever. Blood was streaked across the wall with five dead bodies lying on the floor. Their hands were tied behind their backs and it looked as though their heads had exploded all over the floor and walls. I've never told anyone else that I had looked at that scene until now. The friend who rescued me from the "safe" house that day brought me to his home and raised me as his own son. When I turned 22, the friend, Emmerich, finally explained what had happened to my father that night. Everything he said confirmed what I had mulled over in my mind for the 12 years since I saw that scene. My father along with the rest of the men and boys had been executed by officers of the Federal Police. After he was done with the explaination, Emmerich took me to meet his "aquantances" who had provided that "safe" house for my family and I. They were members of an organization that did more than just protest against the government; they actually fought against the government for the good and safety of the people of Rheinland. I immediately knew I wished to join in that organization to fight against the Bas***** who had taken my parents from me (//ooc:another missing/dead parents vengeance story :D). They smiled, gave me this comm code, and told me to contact this code when I was ready to join the fight. Well, I'm ready now. Let me fight for the people of Rheinland and the honor of my dead father and taken mother!

//ooc: ya...I dont know why, but I just got really into writing this somehow hehe
Name: Lorelei Kirsch
Education: Some high school
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Chocolate brown
Height: 5'3"


Mein Gott, I am sick of this place. All I hear at school day in und day out is how vonderful der Kanzler is, how he single-handedly did zis und saved zat und blah blah blah. Und I get no rest at home, vhat vith Papa in his new high-ranking bigshot Rheinwehr position. It's homevork zis und Gottkanzler zat und respect your elders und Rheinland is so brilliant.
I have to valk by der Reichstag every single day on my vay to school und I hate it. Rheinland is a fascist dictatorship und der Kanzler is a lunatic. All my friends agree, but ve cannot meet on school property or anyvhere public or Gott help me at home, because ve might get arrested. Zey are arresting high school students!

I have made a decision. Tonight I am leaving zis suffocating hole and going to Frankfurt. Zat is vhere, I heard, der Bundschuh have zeir main base of operations. Papa would thrash me if he knew, but he can go suck lemons, as zey say in Liberty. I need to get out before I go insane.

Auf Wiedersehen, New Berlin.

One Loki and one Sabre have been given away so far. Keep those stories coming, people.