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Full Version: Suggestion: BS razors should be class 9.
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This weapon is severely underused, partly because it's a niche weapon and partly because it's underpowered. Not in a sense of stats but in a sense of taking up a valuable class 8 slot on a BS. It's an equivalent of mounting an extra flashpoint into a CD slot on a snub. I've seen very few people use it since the 4.85 times. In 4.85 it was at least a bit more usable because the was no class distinction for BSs, but from 4.86 and onwards it became utterly useless.

What I am suggesting is to make them class 9, perhaps with a limit of 2 per battleship. This way, the gun would become a bit more useful for the very few that use it, while they would still be sacrificing firepower against capitals. The likelihood of this change making them OP/of the gun being abused is very low, as it would still be a niche weapon, also many battleships are just not suited for mounting razors due to their size and hardpoint locations. They only really work on med/small BSs and on hardpoints closest to the centre of the ship. After this change this underpowered gun would become a bit more useful for the few people that use it, without affecting most players.
This seems like a great Idea however it sets a precedent that if these weapons can be lowered from a Heavy Class slots then other weapons should be lowered as well. Back in the day you were able to mix and match weapons on your capital ships and it allowed for really different cap load outs. But it was deemed to unbalanced to have this freedom. Some people had full Primary load outs and no heavies. Others had to many heavies.

If we lower the class rating of the Razor then other weapons should have their class looked at and evaluated and tested to see if they are a good fit for class reduction.
Snubwhores will QQ if you buff Razors in any way. I am content with them as they are though, but I do second the fact that they are sometimes useless on heavy battleships as they are too far from the centre. This issue can't be fixed though, it is how Freelancer works.