06-20-2020, 10:43 AM
06-23-2020, 05:33 AM
Seems like your certs are outdated or wrong (and have been for some time).
This has the unfortunate downside of not loading any pictures hosted from the LH domain.
08-01-2020, 01:44 PM
Bump, still the case.
08-01-2020, 01:50 PM
No idea what that is and why it is important. So if you could explain if it is worthwhile to contact Bogus about it, I might consider it.
08-01-2020, 02:15 PM
(08-01-2020, 01:50 PM)SnakThree Wrote: [ -> ]No idea what that is and why it is important. So if you could explain if it is worthwhile to contact Bogus about it, I might consider it.
This causes two things: first, if anyone wants to access https://lh.discoverygc.com, they will see this:
This is not the case for accessing it under http:// (instead of https://) but there are many reasons why we are moving away from unencrypted web traffic and you will find many browsers these days (even quite commonly used ones such as Brave, or some vendor mobile ones) going for the "https everywhere" option. They will automatically redirect http:// to https:// and show the user the above screen.
Furthermore, it causes LH transmissions to load images over http:// on a website which is served over https://. This causes mixed content warnings in older versions of Chrome:
However, future versions of Chrome and Chromium might outright block loading mixed content. Brave already does this, which is why I see this when I look at LH transmissions:
So that's the why. As for how, I don't know how you handle your certificates. Disco forums uses Lets Encrypt which is free and renews every three months. You might want to get in touch with whoever owns the discoverygc.com domain and with whoever is responsible for hosting the mactan network. The certs on lh.discoverygc.com expired two years ago, if that's any help, and you should probably switch to using Lets Encrypt, too (https://letsencrypt.org/).
Hope this helps.
08-01-2020, 04:08 PM
I passed this onto MN owner.
08-04-2020, 10:11 PM
What's not fixed
All old unmaintained posts published by members of The Lane Hackers or manually through official accounts will be still containing resource linking through insecure HTTP. This should not be an issue now, as even more restrictive browsers like Brave should be able to upgrade resources to HTTPS on the fly. However, the situation can still be improved by the DiscoveryGC Forum administrators by one of the following methods.
Several unnecessary disclaimers
- Mactan Network uses now an automated SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt which should be renewing itself periodically.
- All direct requests to Mactan Network using insecure HTTP protocol should be automatically redirected to HTTPS.
- All post templates and automatically generated content should be linking resources through HTTPS.
- All automatically managed content like diplomacy or dossiers should be regenerated within one day from now.
What's not fixed
All old unmaintained posts published by members of The Lane Hackers or manually through official accounts will be still containing resource linking through insecure HTTP. This should not be an issue now, as even more restrictive browsers like Brave should be able to upgrade resources to HTTPS on the fly. However, the situation can still be improved by the DiscoveryGC Forum administrators by one of the following methods.
- By adding to forum page header following code: Code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">
- By modifying PHPBB regex for image embeds to change the http to schema less link.
- By doing an SQL update on posts replacing 'http://lh.discoverygc.com' string with 'https://lh.discoverygc.com'
Several unnecessary disclaimers
- Since June 2018 I am no longer a leader/member of The Lane Hackers official faction.
- I have quit DiscoveryGC back then and broke my 13-year long addiction to Freelancer and I am clean 2 full calendar years in row!
- I am not actively maintaining or developing Mactan Network.
- I am only hosting and occasionally troubleshooting The Mactan Network out of pure courtesy towards people and project I have dedicated to so many years in the past.
- Mactan Network was initially developed in 2012 using technologies considered modern at the time of development but which are severely outdated by today's standards.
- At the same time it is a huge and complex system automating majority of complex faction management procedures with only a small fraction of its features being publicly visible.
- In short: every time I am asked to fix something it's a real pain in the bottom. Don't bring me pain.
08-05-2020, 05:10 AM
You are and will always be the best!
08-05-2020, 06:48 AM
Very cool and very good.
12-16-2020, 05:57 PM
The National Council (NC-) is still listed as an OF, while I can't seem to find the current Outcast OF, Hispania Imperial (-|-) at all.