MAE ID now belongs to the Phoenix (\^/). Can you fix this as well?
The following things were caugh by me:
1) Confederal Defense Forces still exist, same applies to Office of Confederal Intelligence and Gallic Gendarmerie;
2) You have two Gallic Navy entities, one of those is a Navy, while second must be a GNI, I believe;
3) Marina Nationale Gauloise listed as Marine Royale Gauloise.
Please, fix those. Would be splendid to get some kind of synchronization between the ID names and API, if possible. So far I can see only techcells synchronization, not the names
(01-14-2021, 12:58 AM)Groshyr Wrote: [ -> ]Hello!
The following things were caugh by me:
1) Confederal Defense Forces still exist, same applies to Office of Confederal Intelligence and Gallic Gendarmerie;
2) You have two Gallic Navy entities, one of those is a Navy, while second must be a GNI, I believe;
3) Marina Nationale Gauloise listed as Marine Royale Gauloise.
Please, fix those. Would be splendid to get some kind of synchronization between the ID names and API, if possible. So far I can see only techcells synchronization, not the names
Some of these were fixed. 3rd was not as you need to be more preside what I need to change, ID or IFF listing, from what to what exactly.
Autosync would be nice but that would require changes to coding that I can't do.
ID listing. MNG| (Marine Nationale Gauloise) is an official faction to the Gallic Navy. It used to be called MRG| (Marine Royale Gauloise) but was renamed about a year ago
(01-14-2021, 05:49 AM)Groshyr Wrote: [ -> ]This one is right, yes
Then all is good I suppose.
Just a small bump as staff moved it here. If you find errors, let me know and I will see if it can be fixed.