(01-04-2023, 01:50 PM)Toaster Wrote: [ -> ]Tech compat just needs to be updated, really.
(01-04-2023, 01:51 PM)Relation-Ship Wrote: [ -> ]Are there any plans to update tech compact chart in mactan again?
The current sheet is extremely annoying to navigate in (it's linked in in player utilities)
It seems to be updated. If not, can you grab a screenshot and point out what's wrong.
The Vulture isn't included. The ships that were somewhat recently renamed to their vanilla counterparts (Guardian to Defender, Wraith to Valkyrie, etc.) still have their old names. Guess the whole thing is probably a patch or two behind.
Ghoul and Reaper are also missing
(01-07-2023, 03:53 PM)Toaster Wrote: [ -> ]The Vulture isn't included. The ships that were somewhat recently renamed to their vanilla counterparts (Guardian to Defender, Wraith to Valkyrie, etc.) still have their old names. Guess the whole thing is probably a patch or two behind.
Ah, so the game data is not updated. I have uploaded the new file and we will see tomorrow if it went through.
it is very cool that this is still being updated

keep up the good work!
I was told that things were fixed and it should be working properly now.
I'm not sure if it's still being actively updated, but we've made a change to the format of techcompat.cfg going forward that will probably break things.
[tech] sections now have an optional
default field, which can be set to a float between 0 and 1, like tech under a [faction]
For example:
if a [faction] does not explicitly list this tech, but it has a default set, it will use that instead of the global default
I'd like to bump this and point to Wildkins post.
The Compatibility Calculator isn't working and shows the year 830 (we are in 833 now).
The Compatibility Calculator was being actively updated by an automated process.
was right, changing the architecture of techcompat did break things.
The developer of the Mactan Network is, per this thread, not actively maintaining, let alone updating and rebuilding this decade-old website. A fix would be if we have the time and energy to hack a fix to the Compatibility Calculator, but that would require completely re-engineering not just the interpretive functions, but the architecture of the databases generated from techcompat.cfg and all the functions that go towards calculating and displaying the results. Do you know what was at the centre of the largest-ever international IT outage caused by the CrowdStrike software? Regular expressions. You know what the Compatibility Calculator is built on? Regular expressions.
Simply put, this dev change really cooked us, though that's not a first ?
A better
and simpler solution would certainly be someone, not necessarily within LH~, stepping forward and building a better, more modern, future-proof alternative. Or just use
the table.
(09-09-2024, 02:33 AM)The Lane Hackers Wrote: [ -> ]SNIP
That sounds feasible, but i belive read the table is way more easier to program than doing all whole mess with REGEX ...
Without the way to look how it was built it making one from scratch could take me some time, i could spare some time in my free time for such task, but will not provide an ETA for that to finish it ...
But about the "Future-Proof" alternative we must know what does Devs and Admins will be changing in the future and how they will be doing it, in order to make it better work, or even better, get open chat with admins and devs about the changes before releases so it can be modified too ...
I don't promise much or with good Hacker Taste, but i could try ... if you allow me