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Full Version: To: GM's - a need to consider...
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As I understand this, it is the requirement of the GM's to "...develop and safeguard the health of the Discovery Freelancer community..."

I would state that the indiscriminate destruction of long-established PoB's is damaging to the community on the whole. There is a need to look at the claims of harm to the community.

When well established PoB's, especially those that have been around for some time, such as Eldorado, are simply destroyed in a day or so with barely legal RP to justify the attack is undermining community morale, attacks the very heart of the player base, and causes toxicity and personal attacks on players.

In light of this, and in regards established PoB's, I ask the GM's for a formal response to these questions:

1. Will the GM's step in and put in a moratorium on PoB attacks to consider the damage the effect on the community?

2. Will the GM's look at the approach taken by a small number of the community whose's activities, though "legal" are causing harm and/or are detrimental to the overall and ongoing health of the community?

3. What guarantee can the GM's make that the actions taken by the GM's are effective in stopping damage to the health of the community?

I await with interest the response by the GM's
This thread isn't suited to this forum and has been copied to the player requests forum for discussion by GMs. A copy has been left here for the purpose of transparency, posterity, and so we don't get duplicates. That copy has been locked because we all know what would otherwise happen.