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Where should I start?

I really don't like writing descriptions of myself. Maybe I should start with since when I play this mod; it was 4.81 I played online (relatively successfull) but then my PC gave me a farewell, so I didn't play it since a long time. Recently I rediscovered this mod (which is my favorite out there) and started to play again.

To my person:
I am stationed on planet Berlin, Germany system. I am 22 years old and one of those friendly players who might steal your cargo or save your ship. I really like RPing and describing my chars, so you may expect some cool stuff about my chars, when I am finished with my repfixing...
Welcome to the server and forums, friend. I hope you'll enjoy your time. You'll find a lot has changed since your last time here I believe.

Make sure to read the rules, just in case, although you seem like a person who will use common sense when RPing, and I like that.

If you need any advice or help, feel free to ask here, or add swift-cr on skype. I'll also get you in the Disco Help Chanell skype chat, there're players there who can help you with just about anything you need.

Good luck friend, and as a final note, let me say my stereotype statement.

Join a player faction, makes things much more fun and guarantees something to do at all times.

Hello and welcome. Listen to Swift, at least in this case though most others to. Joining a player faction is a good idea eventually though I think exploring may be a better idea first, seeing how factions operate in game. And here is a link to the help channel.

Glad you are back and Have Fun!
Welcome to Discovery. Enjoy your stay and keep to the rules.

Tazuras, you may want to fix that link.:P
Hi there, welcome, try to have fun, I know I do;)