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Unleashing a Monster
Omicron Minor
Combat event


So due to how the event ended, with the commodity being destroyed, there were no clear winner(s). Due to this I have a list of rewards that I will be giving out at random to people who participated in the event. Rewards will be given out via so that this is fair. This also means people could potentially receive multiple rewards. However I will limit this to a maximum of 1 Cosmetic and 1 Sci Data reward per person.

I will leave this open for a 5 days.


Cosmetics / Effects
  • 15x Cultist Engines (VHF, Red, or Civ Carrier, Red Green Blue)
  • 15x Contrails Link
    Note: Contrails, unlike lights and engines, are visible only to your client and not to others, unless the ship is in cruise.
  • 4x Ship effects (Subject to GM approval)

Sci Data Weapons
  • [SNUB] 1x Choice of 4 fighter Codenames
  • [SNUB] 2x Choice of 2 fighter Codenames
  • [SNUB] 4x Choice of 1 fighter Codename
  • [CAP] 1x Choice of 4 cap Codenames
  • [CAP] 2x Choice of 2 cap Codenames
  • [CAP] 4x Choice of 1 cap Codename

  • 1x RP Commodity made for your character (Subject to GM approval)
  • 10x A Forum Title of your choice (Subject to GM approval)


[color=#FFFFFF][b]Ship Name For Rewards:[/b] TEXT
[b]Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so. List ship names that were involved.):[/b] TEXT
[b]Are you interested in the RP commodity?[/b] TEXT
[b]Any Notes?:[/b] TYPE
[b]Discord:[/b] TYPE[/color]

Ship Name For Rewards: Firstly as Core|7-Ariel and onto Core|WV-Herschel when things got really laggy
Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so): I sent some messages to GG|Zachary.Easton
Are you interested in the RP commodity? Sure. I have some ideas.
Any Notes?: Why did I not take pictures.
Discord: Lythrilux#9045
Ship Name For Rewards: [Bank]Skorak - I mean really depends on what it is
Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so): [A]OCV-Anubis I have the whole video still if you want/need.
Are you interested in the RP commodity? Sure
Any Notes?: -
Discord: Skorak#0001
Ship Name For Rewards: GG|Zachary'Easton
Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so): I still have this on the ship from beaming stuff from the Ishtar. I also bumped your Barge accidentally and got told to stop (:
Are you interested in the RP commodity? It's a bit of meme character, let's be real. I'll take it if it can be the Holy Bible of Golanski.
Any Notes?: -
Discord: Haste#2758
Ship Name For Rewards: Assyrian
Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so): Squid Mania , taken at the Nomad rendezvous at the beginning of the event. Ship Name: Assyrian
[b]Are you interested in the RP commodity?
Any Notes?: Capital Codes preferred.
Discord: CallmeRupert#8336
Moonwalker :Greetings

Ship Name For Rewards:[/b] MNS-Moonlightning
Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so): No Screens taken. Ship I was on was Vladut.
Are you interested in the RP commodity? Yes
Any Notes?: -
Discord: Not on Discord
Ship Name For Rewards: OCV-Ra
Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so): DSace clip follows next to the event Barge, you can check logs too Smile I was also Promethae and you can see my ship on the screen malice219 posted
Are you interested in the RP commodity? Yes
Any Notes?: Would prefer cap guns.
Discord: Lemon#0036
Ship Name For Rewards: Distant.Stars
Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so): Core|WV-Contero was me. Are you interested in the RP commodity? No.
Any Notes?: I have an interest in cap codes however.
Discord: TheShooter36#8019
Ship Name For Rewards: BANK1 (depends what it is)
Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so): There was only 3 AI there and I'm one of them, LyfeB_Gon
Are you interested in the RP commodity? Yes
Any Notes?: White notes
Discord: Rudy#0542
Ship Name For Rewards: Beautiful.Facade
Proof you were at the fight (If you don't have any say so): I have one of my kills photoed
Are you interested in the RP commodity? No (But actually, yes a little bit, what is it? Would it be a choice between commodity and other reward or I could get both? Would there be any 'consequences' to the RP reward?)
Any Notes?: I would prefer cap guns as reward
Discord: Darkwind#7896
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