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Full Version: Custom POB Model + Shinies
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I have a technical question about the custom POB model stuff.
(for reference: I am designing and balancing and in some cases re-hitboxing custom POB models for funsies, looking at you, Gallic Shipyard model)

Marshall Station was given a dockable NPC base as part of its custom model. With a custom POB model, would the inclusion of such things as
  • Special (e.g. faction perk) Commodities for sale
  • Ships for sale
  • NPCs + Rumors
  • Attendant NPC shippies (e.g. an area_defend entry)
be available?
I know for a fact that ship vendors arent availabe for PoBs as I asked this question aswell.
Not the POB.

The solar attached to the POB

Marshall Station wasn't the scidata purchase. It was part of a bigger range of requests that canonised the faction and I believe I used a faction perk on the pob.