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Dublin Dust Up
System event

[Image: unknown.png]


After receiving confirmation of friendly fleet movements, the Blackrock has been deployed to attempt an ambitious luring out of the Battlecruiser Carillon, a vessel that has so far managed to avoid being tied down. Posturing itself in an attempt to draw out the Enclave cohort, the Bretonian vessel has made itself a welcoming target for the Carillon.

Already agitated by the loss of the war and the retreat of the crown into the Hebrides, being degradingly tasked to permanent commerce raiding activities in Dublin while much greater targets ought to have been a priority has stoked the frustration felt by Rear Admiral Dupont. The Blackrock has been a favorite target of the Admiral for some time, but too few opportunities to strike it had surfaced. Now however, the Battlecruiser has slipped out from the protection of the New London gate. Rear Admiral Mathis Dupont and the Carllion’s escort will not waste the opportunity.

Though the Admiralty has forgotten who the true power in Dublin be, Arranmore has been ever watchful. While the BAF attempts to lure the Enclave into open conflict, the Mollys have spread their net, ready to pay back the many insults of both Bretonia and Gallia alike. Long have the Mollys waited for such an opportunity, and they will be damned to dust and back if they let it slide through their grasp.


  • $10m bounty rewards have been added for Bretonia Armed Force, Bretonia Police, Bretonian Privateers, and Bretonian Intelligence Service IDs on Enclave and Molly players in Dublin,
  • $10m bounty rewards have been added for Molly IDs against Bretonia Armed Force, Bretonia Police, Bretonia Privateers, Bretonia Intelligence and Enclave players in Dublin,
  • $10m bounty rewards have been added for Enclave IDs against Bretonia Armed Force, Bretonia Police, Bretonia Privateers, Bretonia Intelligence and Molly players in Dublin.

19 August - 25 August

Rule changes:
  • For the duration of the event, Dublin will be contested systems with a 30 minute death counter instead of 1 hour.

Allowed IDs:
  • Bretonia Armed Forces
  • Bretonia Police
  • Bretonian Intelligence Service
  • Bretonian Privateers
  • BAF|
  • Gallic Royal Enclave
  • \*/
  • Mollys


This event is to simulate the conflict between the Blackrock, Carillion and the Mollie's occuring in story.

Intentionally suiciding/denying kills within the system may have grave repercussions. Self-kills and teamkills will be tracked. You have been warned.

The event outcome is fixed, and will be implemented in a later patch.

Writeup & image by
For proponents of messy 3way fights
Join The Mollys
DRA discord - the only active Molly faction right now can be found here:

Indies welcome
Glad to see the Mollies getting the attention they deserve.
Can we please restore the PvE plugin to 100% for the duration of the event in Dublin
or even more

So Mollys can farm from arranmore and have reason to permalog

and the PvE zone will be constantly contested anyways
Good to see Molly get an event.
Serious critique regarding these type of events,

These fixed outcome events continue to actually keep the server broken, and much gameplay opportunity is suppressed. The premise is just fine, but...

Since the dev team took over, everything has been shifted to fixed outcome events, where you wont disclose the outcome until afterwards, like its trying to trick people into participation. You want to host a game like this but want to avoid any semblance of an in game reality. So to me, the devs seem to have gone to war against reality, and letting things play out in game.

Will there be no more open ended events ever again on the server? I envy those that can just show up to an event just to test their ability in battle, but for no reason but collecting kills (no one cares about your kill numbers in the end) Where is the rp factor? Because of doing this, rp and pvp are now mostly separate, so its either pointless pvp for points or rp without much potential. Events are now simulations within a simulation, I'm sorry, but its ridiculous! Are we that afraid of losing in a real fight? Apparently.

Long story short...I cant believe the devs have not learned any lessons from last year and are just ramming through with the same actions. As far as I'm concerned, it seems like a great effort to force players to accept less and less, and basically force everyone to not care, not take it seriously, killing immersion. Its been reduced down to an arcade server, that some rp is able to be done in between. There is no immersion here anymore, and 24/7 activity is actually frowned upon or suppressed, and out of personal bias from those who are afraid they can't keep up but insist on being more successful.

Within this mod are a huge amount of combat options. Within all of the ships and weapons there is much opportunity to develop skill at your choice. But for what? Who will ever care you got 10 kills that didnt matter? Whats the point of being so good and effective when it can never be used to contribute to an outcome that had meaning?

To players I ask, why do you participate if there is no real point? do you really prefer that?

To players that prefer things be fixed, you don't see how that's extremely selfish?

Imagine if a scenario was just set up, and players were allowed to go to work for their chosen side, and the outcome implemented after it was determined by the in game battle results. Give the ships super high HP bars and let players go to town on who can take the other side out first. There are ways to strech it out and keep it fair.

On a side note, even if this was done, I won't be logging until the last cloak nerf is reversed anyways! I havent taken that patch and I suppose unless its cut, that combined with 'zombie' events will have succeeded in driving me out.
I play these events because they are fun and thats really all there is to it. I could care less if my few kills changes the course of the story. I log in with some friends shoot people die or not and then do it again another time until the event is over.
Anyone who saw what was happening in the Languedoc event where outcome was not influenced must see that it's the right approach

Think practically
People will selectively log
metagame player lists
gank nonstop
pile on people

which is already happening as is
And would be taken to an extreme if pixels were involved

And e.g. people can join the side on their weak ship classes to influence the outcome
I should admit that Blinski has a point. Events with pre-fixed outcomes are not really fascinating and have less attraction over events where players' activity shall have impact to the further story development.

I would keep logging for this event to have good (and I hope – fair) fights with Brets and Mollys (hi, stop dropping caps on snubs, please).

However, regarding the cloak - stop being such a coward which hide as soon as see end's coming. Embrace your death and do not complaying if you died in 2v1, flying a combat freighter.
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