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Full Version: Question Regarding Scientific Data Bonuses
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Greetings Everyone,

I have a question regarding "Ship Powerplant Upgrade" that I read about in the Scientific Data Bonuses section. It said that it was one the bonuses but I could not find any other information on it.

Does the Ship Powerplant Upgrade exist and if so where can I get more information on it?

Thanks Everyone
Upgrade your ship's powerplant in.... what way?

Bruh the only upgrades are the UAU X and CAU X armor upgrades, and special effects such as contrails or cultist engines are strictly cosmetics.

No scientific data upgrade regarding powerplant exists. You probably got scammed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Either way, the only upgrades which can affect combat capability are the armor upgrades, and other upgrades are only cosmetics
(Dont go yelling at me I did not include data guns, these arent upgrades, theyre guns, duh)
I hope this helps you enough, if you got any other questions regarding this freely ask
Thanks for the reply but the question still remains. Below is the section where I saw Ship Power Plant Upgrade. I copied it in its entirety.

2. Upgrade Types
There are, potentially, at least 20 different types of rewards you can obtain with various amounts of reserach data. These upgrades range from trivial ones such as visuals and unique engines - both of which lack an expiry period unlike other rewards - individual (And even group) mining bonuses, ship powerplant upgrades, MkX and HAUX armor upgrades, rare types of weapons courtesy of and even the creation of other already existing event items such as Jumphole Generators and NEMP Bombs. Below you can find the list of existing and planned items and bonuses - though keep in mind as this new system is tested and feedback is gathered, the ''prices'' for these items are a subject of change.

As you can see, unless I am missing something, it clearly states Ship Power Plant Upgrade. May be it was just an idea which never materialized but that is what my question is all about.

So if anyone has more detail on it please post.

Thank you
If you look under 3. Rewards and costs: it lists all current items you can receive via SD rewards.
It appears that Ship Power Plant Bonus which is mentioned in section 2. (Upgrades Types) is not available at this time as an upgrade since it is not listed as a bonus in section 3. (Rewards and Costs).

I would like to close this thread by thanking everyone for their help.

Thanks guys!