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Full Version: Issues with ping
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Recently I have been experiencing especially bad lags with approximate 15% packet loss and 390-430 ping. The situation makes the game close to unplayable: on PvE missions the lag causes ships go "brrrrrr" while strafing 30k away and you sitting there and losing your ship/hull, while PvP is even more unplayable for obvious reasons.

I do not expect great ping. Living in Tokyo I got used to having bad ping on most foreign servers. But if my calculations are correct, with Finland where the current server apparently is, ping should be around 300-330. 300 is still bearable, 450 is not. More importantly, it is the packet loss that hits hard.

Because of this I was wondering if there are any guides on port forwarding or other networking optimisation that can help? I would also be interested in experiences of people from Americas / Australia / Asia if there are any on dealing with bad ping and/or if there are any issues in this regard.

Thanks in advance.