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Quote:YES, the doing polls like this does not serve any purpose.

The Balance Poll System, Forum Space.



Oh well. I really couldn't help myself. See you in flood.:)
I don't get it.
Yes they are mostly biased, but some do bring up some decent points and this is pointless.
[Image: facepalm.jpg]
i won't vote, i don't agree.

' Wrote:IPB Image

use tinypic or imageshack.
I wonder how many people will actually not get it and vote 'YES' ... you know, everyone who votes agrees with me, I've got 100% community support...
' Wrote:I wonder how many people will actually not get it and vote 'YES' ... you know, everyone who votes agrees with me, I've got 100% community support...

Very clever of you. If you get lot's of points you'll have proven your point.
Statistically, Bias occurs whenever your test group is not random. These polls are bised a couple ways: Only people on the forums, only people who care, post. So, yes. Nothing can be done bout taht, though, because you can't really randomly sample people.

That does not mean they're unhelpful.
I voted 'yes'.
I admit I have done this before, but a lot of balance concerns are simply "whining" and/or a fear of the unknown. For example, a new player in a capital ship complaining about how three bombers beat him - "My solaris are crap, buff them". Weapons and equipment need to be tested and tested (we are still in the beta, so this and bug finding should be the focus of players). Drawing conclusions and making passionate suggestions about balance issues from single encounters is not very helpful.

Balancing requires a knowledge of all the ships, and how they fit into a "jigsaw". You can't claim to know all the balance just from single choice encounters.
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