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The Spear of Anubis
Omicron Zeta

[Image: Wl7g6hW.png]


Several months after the Order's last successful operation against the Core in Omicron Zeta, Cairo has entered a heightened state of readiness due to increased suspected Nomad activity at the periphery of the Yap Edge Nebula. Rumors of Nomad movements within the houses have not gone unnoticed, and a suspected breakthrough of Nomad forces from desolate Pohnpei has been a growing concern for some time.

Following an ever-so-brief identification of a large Nomad entity in orbit of Saipan, a patrol wing sent to investigate its last known location picked up traces of a possible anomaly on the dark side of the planet. Once details were transmitted to Cairo, contact with the patrol wing was lost entirely except for a single fighter whose pilot claimed he had been drawn into the anomaly and "spit back out" by chance instead of meeting his doom. From his account, it was clear something large and dangerous waited on the other side.

After an extensive debrief, the Order High Command has initiated Operation "Anubis" - a large strike group with a limited objective - to find and destroy whatever threat lies hidden in Saipan's shadow and, if possible, to destroy the anomaly or what it contains. Beginning with fighter and bomber wing operations, it is hoped the way can be cleared for larger Order assets to approach Saipan successfully.

As more and more Order assets converge on Omicron Zeta, all other remnants of mankind in the system lock down to brace for the coming storm.


  • $12.5m bounty rewards will be added for Order IDs against Nomad and Wild IDs in Omicron Zeta.
  • $12.5m bounty rewards will be added for Nomad and Wild IDs against Order IDs in Omicron Zeta.
  • On February 6 at 18:00 UTC, a two-hour snub-only respawn event will occur in Omicron Major at Sector F2/3, G2/3 centered around a Nomad installation. Access will be provided by a jumphole near Saipan and jumphole in Iota. Participants are not to leave the combat zone once entered as there may be no way back.
  • On February 7, the Nomad installation will be made vulnerable, and Order forces will have three hours, from 18:00 UTC to 21:00 UTC, to destroy it. Respawns will be enabled during that time, and all ship classes for both sides may participate.


February 5th - February 7th

Rule changes:
  • For the duration of the event, Omicron Zeta will have a 30 minute death counter instead of 1 hour.


This event is intended to spur activity in the region.

Exceptional performances by individual players will be recognized and rewarded.

Intentionally suicide/denying kills may have grave repercussions. Self-kills and teamkills will be tracked. You have been warned.

Original writeup and photo by .
Can Core get bonuses in Zeta since Capetown is there anyway, please?
This is an official faction event request from Order, so you'll have to ask them to amend their request
Love it already! .... and my beloved city of Cairo where I live, is the name of the base within the center of activity of that event Smile
(02-02-2021, 02:41 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: [ -> ]Can Core get bonuses in Zeta since Capetown is there anyway, please?
I'd honestly like to see an event in the Omicrons where the Order can finally do what they were created to do without the Core butting in and stealing the glory. Besides, nothing's stopping you from rallying people to fight Order and Nomads in the system.

Looks like fun and what the Omicrons need.
(02-02-2021, 07:31 AM)Spectre Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-02-2021, 02:41 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: [ -> ]Can Core get bonuses in Zeta since Capetown is there anyway, please?
I'd honestly like to see an event in the Omicrons where the Order can finally do what they were created to do without the Core butting in and stealing the glory. Besides, nothing's stopping you from rallying people to fight Order and Nomads in the system.

Looks like fun and what the Omicrons need.
Gentle reminder that Core rewards board is open to indies and pays much more for BC and BS kill than the event

And getting kills as a 3Rd party in fights is very easy.

Log more core people!
Contrary to popular belief, the Core is not always the center of attention.

Doing this puts narrative focus on the Order and the Nomads, rather than rewarding people to roflstomp on Core and stealing the spotlight. It was at the request of the Official Order anyway, they never specified Core ID, so ask them nicely for battlefield bonuses in Zeta?
"Core" "Roflstomping"
2018 called Kauket, it said you escaped from it to our time
(02-03-2021, 03:17 AM)Relation-Ship Wrote: [ -> ]"Core" "Roflstomping"
2018 called Kauket, it said you escaped from it to our time

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