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Trinkets and Traitors

[Image: unknown-6.png]


"There were Artifacts all over Crete at one time. Most of these have been sold now, but we still find Artifacts in the Malvadas and Napo Clouds. Any Corsair could have many of the alien trinkets, but they have no function and are therefore meaningless, except for trade. Let some other fool spend his money on them."

"Soon a certain Corsair will be leaving this base without one of her possessions. Once she gets away from Hawaii and into open space she is going to stumble across a GMG trap. It will be most unfortunate for her."

"This is the end of our Artifact smuggling route that begins in the Border Worlds and crosses all of Kusari space. We don’t like to see the Golden Chrysanthemums here, but we have no choice if we want to sell these trinkets to the rich Liberty fools on Manhattan. The Lane Hackers seem okay, though — nothing like those disgusting Rogues."


On Server Restart through May 9th


  • This event will have three legs active at the same time:

    • Corsair IDs will run Artifacts from Crete to Luxury Liner Hawaii.
    • Hogosha IDs will run Artifacts from Hawaii to Kabukicho Depot, and Artifacts from Kabukicho to Leiden Base.
    • Rogue IDs will run Artifacts from Leiden to Padua Base and Padua to Rochester Base.

  • $10M bounties against participating smugglers have been given to the following IDs:

    • Outcasts on Corsairs in Omicron Theta and Sigma-17.
    • GMG on Corsairs and Hogosha in Sigma-17 and Sigma-19.
    • GC on Hogosha in Honshu, New Tokyo, Shikoku, and Galileo.
    • Bounty Hunters on Rogues in Galileo, Colorado, and New York.


This event is intended to spur activity in the region.

Photo by .
Will there be snub restrictions on any of the factions participating against smugglers, like the last smuggling event?
Not this time.
Please add Nomad indie and K'hara to the "hunting Corsairs" bounties in the Omicrons, and possibly |Aoi and wild pawn to the artifact carriers in other areas, depending on their faction's opinion.

The nomads obviously wouldn't take kindly to our stuff being stolen and traded away by some dudes with pointy ships.
Well judging by Navy or LPI not being included in Galileo, Colorado, and New York it seems like they want to keep it tight.

Oh wait, I play 46th

RACISM, ADD NAVY to Colorado and New York. Let the past die. Kill it, if you had to, ain't nobody gonna be playing BHG Tongue
I get that it's another lore-based event, but the participating IDs seem awfully limited. It may not spur much activity if only a handful of factions can participate.
As Boss of OS&C i like it. All Pilots Please remember to pay your Docking Fees at the Liner Hawaii. and to our Corsair Friends Have a Fun stay and please dont murder any Passengers like last time.

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
(05-01-2021, 08:45 PM)Toaster Wrote: [ -> ]I get that it's another lore-based event, but the participating IDs seem awfully limited. It may not spur much activity if only a handful of factions can participate.
To be fair Navy/LPI can demand cargo and then sell it for good profit as evidence

-including us would kinda incentivise yeeting transports. Won't even mention Nomads lol
Finally some Hogosha Time.
Sounds like it's time for a cap8 Akegata
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