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Contemptuous Cologne Combat

[Image: Freelancer_2021-05-14_21-21-53-172.png?w...height=609]


Battleship Altenburg and its support vessels have received orders to advance and break the Red Hessian occupation on Planet Saarbrucken. The Red Hessians, intent on making the Rheinlanders struggle for every inch gained, have hunkered down and will fight tooth and nail to buy time for their colonists to evacuate the world.

Having caught wind of the precarious position of the Red Hessians, both the Unioners and the Corsairs move in to take advantage of the situation and deal a hefty blow to their hated enemy. Reports of Red Hessian evacuees being intercepted and abducted by these criminal elements is prevalent throughout the system.

The Red Hessians are trying to reach Planet Wiesbaden in the hopes of trying to establish a more secure colony there. The Rheinland Police has offered a bounty for any Hessian evacuees intercepted and brought to justice. Meanwhile the Unioners and Corsairs have their own uses for any captured Hessians.


May 28 - June 6 (Effective on Server Restart)


  • This is a combat event with a semi fixed outcome, player performance, if significant enough, will skew the narrative success or failings of some of the participating factions while keeping the outcome itself fixed.

  • $10M bounties have been given to the following IDs:
    • Rheinland Police and Military (further refered to as 'participating lawfuls') on Hessians/Corsairs/Unioners in Cologne, Stuttgart and Dresden.
    • Corsairs on participating lawfuls and Red Hessians in Cologne, Stuttgart, Dresden and Omega-55
    • Unioners on participating lawfuls and Red Hessians in Cologne, Stuttgart, Dresden and Zurich
    • Red Hessians on all participating lawfuls, Unioners and Corsairs in Cologne, Stuttgart, Dresden, Omega-55 and Zurich


This is a story event covering the efforts of Rheinland to reclaim Cologne.

Photo by .
pssshhh effort
gimme kill bonuses on corsairs)))
First target as shown upwards!
One question, probably related to this event: I have noticed a 30-minute timer in Zurich and I'm not sure if it was there before. Is it part of this event or I just forgot that Zurich was already "contested territory"?

As well, why Rheinland Intelligence has no bounty reward?
Why do you hate the Bundschuh so much?
Kudos to RHA for skill and trying to make fair battles in O-55.

It's not easy as we again have indies that are jumping in to help winning side.
Come on, we can't get combat bonuses for fighting in our own guard system?

Granted, we aren't hostile towards Hessians, but we could at least get bonuses on Sairs.

And give us back Wuppertal. How long is that going to take?
(05-29-2021, 06:38 PM)ALG Wrote: [ -> ]Come on, we can't get combat bonuses for fighting in our own guard system?

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