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Please consider expanding the mining areas for artifacts in Omicron Gamma. I love the idea of mining artifacts as a Corsair miner--the ones who supply Crete's wealth--but there are issues...

  1. The routes from JH's to planets Crete run pretty much right over your mining path. It's constantly trespassed by traders and fighters and warships going to and fro.

  2. The current mining area is very small.

  3. The mining area spawns BH and Nomad NPCs...with the changes in transport shields, you don't last long in their fire (even if you equip transport turrets) and it seriously cuts the ability to non-stop mine.

  4. Artifacts are for sale so cheaply on Crete that in the time it takes to fill a mining ship you can travel to NY and back. Pretty pointless.

So I'm suggesting add a smattering of fields through the system and put CORSAIR spawns in them so you have back-up and cut out the BH/Nomad spawns within them. Either this or drastically increase the mine yields in the current a lot. It just isn't profitable time-wise to be a Corsair miner at present.
1. Thats the point.
2. ^__________^
3. Agreed.
4. You should mine with friends to defend you. That is the point, the artifacts are nomad.
5. That... Is... The... Point...
On the other hand, why would you mine in Gamma?
Just because there is a mining field doesn't mean miners can go there, I bet if you meet Corsairs they will at least force you to pay them.

I'm sorry but miners are not holly cows - they can't go wherever they want, especially Corsair space.

So, why is there a mining field producing artifacts?
It is there so Corsairs, Order or Zoners can mine it if they want...
Just look at Dusty Lense Quick Mining Gudie and you'll find out that beings affiliated with Corsairs gives you bonus to artifacts mining.

Cutting Nomad / BH spawns? Well, Gamma is just one JH from a space with recent Nomad presence. Why would they disappear just like that?
Who said the miners in Gamma weren't corsairs?
  • Mining artefacts should be profitable.
  • Smuggling artefacts should be profitable.
  • Crete (and bases in 94) should be the cheapest places in Sirius to get artefacts.
  • Artefact smuggling should be extremely HIGH RISK.
By current logic, the only way to make mining artefacts in Gamma profitable is to increase sale-price on Corsair prices. This also makes them more expensive to buy there, so decreases profitability of smuggling, and upsets the entire economy.

The Solution
Add a fixed number of credits value to artefacts at EVERY base in Sirius.

Eg. add 1000 credits to the value of artefacts at all bases.

At Crete, artefacts are currently around 300 credits a piece. They sell for 2800 ish. Profit=2500 per unit.
Value of 4000 units at Crete= 1,200,000 credits. (less than 1.2 mill for a miner's hour's work)

If we add 1000 credits to the value of a unit of Artefacts at ALL locations;
At Crete artefacts would be worth 1300 a piece. They would sell for 3800 a piece.
Profit= 2500 per unit. (profitability of smuggling unchanged).
Value of 4000 units at Crete= 5,200,000 credits.
(profitability of mining increased. "Riskyness" of smuggling increased).

I hope that made sense. Basicly, what I am saying is that you CAN have your cake an eat it; Mining CAN be made more profitable by changing commodity prices whilst not effecting the economy in a practical sense.
Also, increased riskiness of smuggling is, in my opinion, a very good thing. (ie. smugglers have more money at stake, if they lose a shipment).

I believe this should also be done with Cardimine, and other high-risk commodities.
Pretty excellent points, to be honest.

There are three locations of which I am aware (in other words, which I can recall off of the top of my noggin) where one can mine artifacts, a situation which bears some review to enable those Corsairs who wish to turn a living at the job to do so.

At the moment the fields most easily accessed by the Corsairs are in locations which, as pointed out, are rather dangerous and heavily trafficked by things that like to shoot them. PC and NPC alike.

We're frowning on the idea of having mining being an inter-system profit extravaganza, as it should be a profitable supplement to the trade system, not a replacement.

The mental image that I'm conjuring up for Gamma and her artifact clouds doesn't provide an instant solution, though a few possible ideas do spring to mind.

Rest assured it'll be tacked onto the list of things to do.
Since we're talking of mining and I don't like to make threads, take a look at the Von Rohe belt in O-11? The infocards, lore and risk/danger/damage all make it out to be a really excellent mining area, but the fact is it's really, really rubbish. Not even remotely worthwhile. Kind of ruins the mining operations of all the Rheinland corps, and the Hessians. Hessians don't even have another option I don't think, not like they can go land on Tangier and do a little.
' Wrote:0-11 stuffs.

0-11 has been reviewed at length and, we hope, a suitable solution to the many problems presented by that system has been found.

I concur entirely, 0-11 is easily my favorite system in the mod and mining there is super deadly. The rewards should fit accordingly.

Heck, don't even need the Hessians to show up to eat a dirt sandwich in that place.
Forgive me if I'm completely wrong, but aren't there parts of the Malvada cloud that you can mine artifacts from? I swear I saw some when I looked in FLE the last time...
I AM a Corsair miner there. That's the point.

"Mine with friends" is the same lame crap advice often given as, "Then join a clan". I play alone--which is why mining suits me well.

Crete has to get all those dirt cheap artifacts somewhere and I am guessing Corsair miners are the source predominantly.

My character is simply a Corsair who wishes to support his family by pursuing a trade that also benefits his people as a whole. He is an older family man--not a young, cocky, well-connected elder's son or front line combat pilot.

My point also isn't that its difficult to mine there its that it completely profitless compared to trading. I can load my mining ship with artifacts I BUY on Crete and smuggle them to New York and return making more on one trade trip than I could in ten to twenty times the amount of time it takes to mine that many artifacts in Gamma.

Not asking prices to be raised or anything--just that a little more out-of-the-way and less hostile field be placed near Gamma.
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