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Full Version: 4.95.0 Patch 7
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Discovery 4.95.0 Patch 7

Following Zeta rework, some adjustments were made based on player feedback. Mysterious triangles disappeared, general aesthetics and color palette got slightly adjusted, asteroids density, sun model and distance to Palmyra changed, and the Alien Organism field was moved back to the system as well.

- Added: Xeno small ship engines (all classes up to freighter).
- Changed: Updated Xeno SNAC effect.

- Changed: Updated description for Sierra Starport.
- Changed: Updated description for Edge World shipline.
- Fixed: Coronado nebula infocard error.
- Fixed: Outdated naming on Colorado tradelanes.

- Changed: Coalition snubline textures updated to match faction capships.
- Changed: Adjustments to Dunlin:
- Fixed: Luxury Yacht's pod disappearing at medium distance.
- Fixed: Some sections on Barge flickering at medium distance.

- Changed: Omicron Zeta adjustments.
- Changed: Omicrons Alien Organism mining field returned to Zeta.
- Changed: BC Bastia moved slightly further away from the jumphole.
- Changed: Disrupted Pilgrim Liner in Pennsylvania now drops cargo.
- Fixed: All three external shield generators on Nomad Lair now act as quickdock points.
- Fixed: Base rotations in Omega-48.
- Fixed: Zeta navmap position now as intended.
- Fixed: Outcast Freighter NPCs no longer have Order Turrets.
- Fixed: Fort Augsburg docking crash.
- Fixed: Wrecks in Thuringia spinning at ridiculous speeds.

- Changed: Bomber weapons adjustments:
- Fixed: Bismarck powercore rate changed to 450k.
- Fixed: Order Cruiser CD firing arc.

- Changed: Artifacts smuggling commodity reworked.


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BUT mid rp can we tell people to stop?

Like I genuinely feel this is the more important question above updates.

Most RP is just.. terrible
(10-24-2021, 11:21 PM)Selken Wrote: [ -> ]BUT mid rp can we tell people to stop?

Like I genuinely feel this is the more important question above updates.

Most RP is just.. terrible

sorry, I don't understand the question and how it relates to this patch
(10-24-2021, 11:21 PM)Selken Wrote: [ -> ]BUT mid rp can we tell people to stop?

Like I genuinely feel this is the more important question above updates.

Most RP is just.. terrible

Turn around.

Press Shift+W

(10-24-2021, 11:21 PM)Selken Wrote: [ -> ]BUT mid rp can we tell people to stop?

Like I genuinely feel this is the more important question above updates.

Most RP is just.. terrible

You patched in terrible RP from like 10 years ago what's not to understand?
(10-24-2021, 11:25 PM)Kauket Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-24-2021, 11:21 PM)Selken Wrote: [ -> ]BUT mid rp can we tell people to stop?

Like I genuinely feel this is the more important question above updates.

Most RP is just.. terrible

Turn around.

Press Shift+W


Doesn't work. Tired it. Met you in game
Then don't complain on the update thread. This isn't relevant.
(10-24-2021, 11:21 PM)Selken Wrote: [ -> ]BUT mid rp can we tell people to stop?

Like I genuinely feel this is the more important question above updates.

Most RP is just.. terrible

Good RP requires that you are conscious of your surroundings.

Take a look around, you're on a thread about the patch update, not an RP quality debate thread..., it looks like you need to get on board with being part of the solution, not the problem.

You savvy?

(10-24-2021, 11:20 PM)Alex. Wrote: [ -> ]- Fixed: All three external shield generators on Nomad Lair now act as quickdock points.

Bless you.
The other changes are good too.
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