Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: Module list for your Starship - GTWO
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This is legit, no joke. You're very welcome!

Love you, Nia!

        INTERNAL    EXTERNAL    USE        DEF        OFF        LOG        DIS        ADV        REQ LEV            INBUILT (age)

POLARITY    Positive    Negative    !    !    +    -    -    +    !    !

HULL        Cloak        Photon        ^    +    [+    +]    -    +    +    ^    ^    !    +++        0    10        3
SHIELD        Graviton    Neutron        ^    ^    [+    +]    ^    !    [+    +]    !    +    +++++        0    10        3
TACTIC        Defence        Offence        ^    ^    [+    +]    -    ^    +    ^    -    +    ++        0    10        6
LOCK        Defence        Offence        ^    ^    +    ^    -    +    +    !    !    +    +++        3    10        12
ENGINE        Pulse        Tachyon        ^    ^    [+    +    +    +    +    +    +    +]    +++++++        0    0        0
POWER        Fission        Fusion        ^    ^    +    -    [+    +]    +    ^    [+    +]    +++++        10    12        12
SYSTEM        Modular        Cellular    +    -    +    ^    -    +    !    -    !    +    +        0    0        0
NETWORK        Client        Server        +    ^    +    ^    -    ^    [+    +]    +    ^    ++++        3    8        15
SECURITY    Antivirus    Firewall    +    ^    [+    +]    ^    +    +    ^    !    +    +++++        0    0        0
STORAGE        Database    Overwrite    ^    -    +    !    ^    +    +    -    !    +    +++        0    10        0
MEMORY        Validate    Exploit        +    -    [+    +    +    +    +    +    +    +]    +++++++        0    10        3
DATA        Creation    Deletion    -    +    ^    +    !    !    -    +    !    !    ++        10    10        
FORENSICS    Heuristics    Polymorphism    +    ^    [+    +]    -    -    [+    +]    !    +    ++++        0    0        0
SIGNATURE    Random        Targeted    +    -    [+    +]    !    +    +    -    [+    +]    ++++        0    10        12
COVERT        Defence        Offence        ^    +    [+    +]    -    ^    [+    +]    -    +    ++++        0    10        9
SCANNER        Infrared    Microwave    ^    +    [+    +]    -    -    ^    !    [+    +]    +++        10    20        12
INDENTIFIER    Simulator    World        ^    +    [+    +]    ^    +    !    +    [+    +]    ++++++        0    20        9
COMPANION    Self        Remote        [+    +    +    +]    -    -    [+    +    +    +]    +++++++        0    20        3
MONITOR        Radar        Illusion    +    ^    [+    +]    -    +    +    -    -    +    +++        0    20        12
TARGETER    Self        Remote        ^    ^    [+    +    +    +    +    +]    !    !    ++++++        0    0        9
COMMS        Receiver    Transceiver    ^    ^    [+    +]    ^    ^    [+    +    +    +]    ++++++        0    0        6
DISPERSION    Counter        Jammer        ^    ^    [+    +]    -    -    [+    +]    !    +    +++++        0    10        3
DIFFUSION    Ion        Electron    [+    +    +    +    +    +    +    +    +    +]    ++++++++    10    10        12
WEAPON        Plasma        Nuclear        ^    ^    +    -    [+    +]    +    -    +    ^    ++        10    20        15
LOGISTICS    Defence        Offence        [+    +    +    +]    -    -    !    !    +    !    ++++++        0    10        12
LOGIC        Coherence    Strength    +    ^    +    -    !    +    [+    +]    +    ^    ++++        0    0        6
MATH        Addition    Reduction    ^    ^    +    !    ^    +    ^    ^    ^    +    +++        10    10        
DIRECTION    Reverse        Forward        ^    ^    [+    +    +    +]    !    !    [+    +]    ++++++        0    0        3
ENGINEERING    Defence        Offence        ^    ^    [+    +]    -    -    [+    +    +    +]    ++++++        0    10        12
AVATAR        Fighter        Trojan        +    -    +    !    -    +    [+    +    +    +]    +++++        10    10        
SCRIPT        Defence        Offence        ^    ^    +    -    -    +    [+    +]    !    +    +++        0    10        12
TELEKINETICS    Defence        Offence        +    -    [+    +]    -    -    +    -    !    +    ++        0    30        3

NOTE: External not available until aged 15!

Properly formatted in the attachment...
scourge of schizoposting lately around here
What's your problem? Do you even know what this is? I'm guessing you actually do.

I post some technical data and you call me schizo. What in the absolute fuck?
I think you may have possibly posted in a wrong subforum by accident and thus got our friend Corile confused...

And who is Nia?
So you're saying it should be in Flood? I believe it's rather apt in this section.

If it got Corile's attention and she don't like it, quite frankly I don't give a flying toss.

As for whom Nia is, that's a personal message which is for the attention of very few others.

Try me.