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Full Version: Canary Wharf Requisition Centre: Special Equipment for Sale
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I want to buy transport cloak from your factory. Where should I send cash to?
(02-22-2022, 03:22 PM)Gutek Wrote: [ -> ]Hello

I want to buy transport cloak from your factory. Where should I send cash to?

If you can land on CWS, you can buy it straight from the Modular Installation.

If that isn't possible, then send me a private communication and we can arrange a time and place to exchange.
Thats a great news.
Im gona fly my way there right now... But forgive me. I was not travelling across the Sirius for years. Where I will find your base?
In the orbit of Plant New London.
1 x Hyperspace Matrix
1 x Cloak MkIII

Stock updated.
Stock updated.
1 x Light Cloak
1 x Docking Module

Stock updated.

1 x Cloak MkIII

Stock updated.

1 x Cloak MkIII

Stock updated.
2 x Docking Modules
1 x Jump Drive IV

Stock updated.
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